Context of Business of TESCO

Context of Business of TESCO

For any organization, it is very important to have a proper leadership process designed and used effectively. The leadership process helps the organizations to set their goals with the collaboration of the organizational objectives. Appropriate and suitable leadership helps the organization to align its mission and vision with the process of selection and leading the employees towards goal fulfillment. It is one of the most discussed, studied and researched topics to understand the process of managing people and personnel with a better leadership attitude. The nature of leadership and its relationship with its different variables such as employee satisfaction, commitment, and performance level are very important to analyze (Dunkerley, 2002). Here different kinds of traits, behavior, and contingency approaches are necessary to understand and learn leadership for the business purpose. So here we will learn from the perspective of an organization that what is leadership and how it works in an organizational context. For the report, we are considering Tesco here. It is one of the renowned and well known British Multinational Super shops and retailers of merchandise products. The organization headquarter is situated at Selwyn Garden City, Herefordshire, England. It is the 3rd largest retailer super shop all over the world based on their earned gross revenue. The successful implementation of their organizational functions helps to use the leadership process in Tesco according to their needs and requirements. Management of Tesco promotes leadership skills and professional betterment for the organization and also influence the successful use of manpower (Dunkerley, 2002). So here in the report, the leadership process, management, and implementation areas will be discussed.

Mission, vision, leadership theory and the management process of Tesco

The mission of the Tesco always focuses on making better things that matter to their customers. Their vision consisted of five elements. The organization wants to set up more branches and offices all over the world. Tesco wants to use their business opportunities on full swing in its different branches. They want their business to flourish with new ideas, innovation and implementation of them successfully (Hale Öner, 2012). They are using all their expertise and skill of leadership and management process globally. They are not only trying to get better with time but also exploring new ways and opportunities everywhere to find out the way of serving their customers.

The Leadership Theory of Tesco

There are many leadership theories are developed and organized to ensure the efficient people use inside and outside of the organization. Tesco has also adopted various leadership theories based on their traits, behavior, and situation. Some of their most-used leadership theories are described below:

  1. Management by exception
  2. Management by passive
  3. Contingent reward.

By applying management by exception theory the leaders build a trustworthy relationship with their employees. To reduce the failure of delivering projects leaders apply the management by passive theory (Hale Öner, 2012). Finally for providing motivation and increasing employees’ work efficiency contingent reward theory can be applied in Tesco.

Management process of Tesco

Tesco the retail super shop has built a strong and efficient management team to take a decision regarding production, operation and delivery process. The overall process of management of Tesco is described as follows:

Development of the people

The development process of people refers to make people better and skilled with time. To build up the skilled and professional work personnel for Tesco it is very important to focus on the capability and dedication of the employees towards the organization. To ensure better performance inside and outside of Tesco they focus on the employee’s productivity and efficiency of the performance (Stamp, 1986). The human resource department finds out the best-suited workers for the organization by using their selection and recruitment process. They arrange different training programs, practice tasks and seminars for the employees to make employees better. Overall they help the employees to increase the full performance potential of the employees.

Impact of culture and management style on Tesco

Impact of culture on Tesco:  As a global grocery retail shop, Tesco has a huge base of customers from different cultures, religions, and ethnicity. The differences in culture, behavior, and attributes of the customers focus on the need and demands of the customers and increase their variety of demand management (Stamp, 1986). So the management of the organization focuses on their customers’ demand by analyzing and understanding their beliefs and set up of the culture. A survey and taking customers’ shopping feedback can be very useful for understanding the cultural effect on the purchasing behavior within a community and country.

Organizational culture also effects on Tesco’s work environment as the organization has to hire many of the employees frequently from different countries and communities. They have to build a diversified work-friendly environment to make them employees feel comfortable. If the workers get a friendly environment their work performance will improve and they will feel connected with their organizational goals and the outcome of any projects will also increase (The business process phenomenon: innovating value management, 1998). So Tesco management always tries to give its employees better experience in their workplace to get the best outcome.

Impact of management style on Tesco: Tesco is fully sufficient with the strongest management team of all. Their overall management process and their work functions are already explained in the report. Now to know the impact of the management styles following explanation can be considered.

Recommendation for the further improvement of the management policy of the Tesco

Though Tesco has the best leadership style with the combination of management processes overall the organization structure. It is important for every organization to work on their management policy improvement from time to time. With the different phases of the competitive business, Tesco needs to work on continuous improvement for its management policy.

The organization has full faith in its leaders that they are capable to find out the right and efficient worker anytime. As a result, Tesco finds out their future leader and people with leadership ability to play the role of organizer and motivators (Stamp, 1986). Tesco uses leadership styles based on different situations. From the above discussion, we can found out that Tesco can follow the contingency leadership style which is very suitable and best suited for the retail store. This leadership style helps their employee to perform better and provide rewards for their performance. It also encourages the employees to participate in the decision-making process and get the training and self-development help from the organization.

In this report, the management process of Tesco is also explained which is perfectly matched with Tesco’s mission, vision, and goals. They are focusing on quality management of the products and customer satisfaction levels (Stamp, 1986). Providing quality products at a lower price compared to their competitors is the core competency of Tesco. By implementing all the customer-friendly works Tesco is getting popular day by day all around the world.


This report is basically focused on the business context of the leadership and management arrangement process of Tesco. The company is a British retail merchandise organization that deals with different business functions all over the world with great success and profitability. The leadership and management process of the organization is explained elaborately in this report to understand the different leadership styles which are beneficial for the retail super shops. All of the processes help to increase the efficiency and collaboration among the organization functions of Tesco (Dunkerley, 2002). Overall the report will be very useful to get acquainted with different leadership styles, development processes of the organization and proper implementation of the management process for any retail super shop.


  1. Dunkerley, D. (2002). Leadership Styles and Leadership Effectiveness. Personnel Review, 1(4), pp.57-62.
  2. Hale Öner, Z. (2012). Servant leadership and paternalistic leadership styles in the Turkish business context. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 33(3), pp.300-316.
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Written by

Md. Shadequr Rahaman


Context of Business of TESCO
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