Concept Stage of a Project

The concept stage of a project management

Concept stage of a Project analysis:

Why is the concept stage of a project is so important to the project’s success?

The concept stage of a project is the planning phase that shows the way of guideline or roadmap to the accomplishment of the project, that’s why the concept stage is so important.

What information do you need to gather in the scoping phase?

It is required to understand the project life cycle along with the roles and responsibilities of the project manager. Moreover, it is required to define the tools used for the project scope management.

What issues are likely to come up in concept stage of a project?

The issues of resources like People, equipment, hardware/software.

The issues of time management like designing the critical path to complete the scope.

The issues of costing like money management.

What role does the charter play in clarifying and documenting your stakeholder expectations?

Charter plays a vital role from planning to analyze the project scope. He has to deal with resource planning, schedule planning, and financial planning for the project scope management.

Is developing the charter worth all the time and effort?

There must have time limitation or extension of time regarding the project scope. In that case, the charter may or may not worth all the time. But there should have proper effort to do the project successfully.

Gathering and Processing Information (Concept Stage of a Project):

In many projects, the concept stage is poorly completed, if completed at all.

  1. What happens in your work projects?
  2. Why do you think the concept stage is poorly completed and how can it be rectified? (either in general terms or specific to your organization’s projects).

If the concept stage is poorly defined that it will cost more for the project as well as it will not be possible to complete the project within the specified time. Moreover, it will be wastage of the use of the resources. Ultimately, the goal of the project cannot be achieved.

If there is lack of planning or error in planning as well as the analyzing of the fact to start the project then it will be poor. It can be rectified only when the project expectations are not being fulfilled.

SMARTA Objectives (Concept Stage of a Project)

Write down the project goal – that is what is the problem you are addressing?

The goal of the project is to identify the problem as well as solution of the problem. The problem that is being addressed is the time limitation, resource limitation, funding limitation.

Develop five to six project objectives using the WHY BE SMARTA technique.

The goal should be specified.

The goal should be Measurable.

The goal should be attainable.

The goal should be relevant.

The goal should have time duration.

The goal should be accurate.

Create a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) diagram here shows that the full project outlay that has been represented as a Level 1 component. Afterwards it can be subdivided as well as segmented into Level 2 components and some or all Level 2 components can be subdivided as well as segmented into Level 3 components. For Example the WBS of Social Media, Planning Tools and Techniques.

Create a Gantt Chart

Concept Stage of a Project

The PEST and SWOT Analysis

PEST Analysis

Political Factors – In the project management scope the political factors play a vital role as the political environment is friendly then it is very smooth and easy to operate as well as accomplish the project within a specified time, resources, money. It includes tax policy, business restrictions, labor law, trade restrictions,

Economic Factors – In the project management scope the economic factors play a vital role as the economic environment is good then it is very smooth and easy to operate as well as accomplish the project within a specified time, resources, money. It includes exchange rate, interest rate, economic growth, inflation, monetary policy, fiscal policy.

Social Factors – In the project management scope the social factors play a vital role as the social environment is friendly then it is very smooth and easy to operate as well as accomplish the project within a specified time, resources, money. It includes cultural aspects, human needs, population growth, age, gender, career etc.

Technological factors – It includes technological aspects like using the modern technologies which is appropriate to the accomplishment of the project. It should have the scope of Research and development, technology incentive as well as support, automation support, and the rate of technological change.


SWOT Analysis


  • Company have the necessary skills internally
  • Companies internal budget
  • Company own technology
  • Companies experienced people working as team


  • Increase of project costs
  • Budget limitation
  • Manpower limitation
  • Unskilled workforce


  • Expansion of the project nationally or internationally
  • Use of modern technology


  • National or global economic conditions affect the project
  • Not handy to use the technology properly

Developing the Project Charter (Part: A)

Project rationale – why was the project created, what is its rationale, purpose and justification, what are its objectives and benefits, how does it align with organizational?

The rationale of the project is that it is dealing with the construction of a building to open a factory for the production purpose.

Stakeholders – who are the stakeholders, what is/are their interests and drivers, what decision influence do they have and what would be their decision criteria?

The stakeholders of the project are the producer and the user of the produced goods. The interest of the producer to do business and earn profit and the user will consume the product. The decision criteria will be to produce the quality product for the community.

Project manager – who will be the project manager, what is their experience, what will be their authority, accountabilities and responsibilities?

The project manager will be a civil engineer who will responsible to deal with construction regarding the resource planning, as well as monitoring the whole activities with proper organizing and controlling mechanism.

Project product/deliverables – what is/are the project product/deliverables?

The product of the project is the construction materials like bricks, sands, cements, construction equipment sets.

Issues – identify all real/potential risks, assumptions, dependencies, constraints?

There is a financial risks involved as well as the political threat, environmental threat to the accomplishment of the task.

Complete the project charter (Part B)

·         Step 1: Establish the Project Vision

·         Step 2: Catalog the Project Organization

·         Step 3: Plan the Approach to Implementation

·         Step 4: List the Risks and Issues

Charter Authorization (Part C)

The undersigned acknowledge they have reviewed the Quantum Project Charter and authorize and fund the Construction project.  Changes to this Quantum Project Charter will be coordinated with and approved by the undersigned or their designated representatives.

Signature: Date:
Print Name: Development
Title: Trade Manager


Signature: Date:
Print Name: Allica Aga
Title: Technical Support


Signature: Date:
Print Name: George W Ben
Title: Project Manager


Signature: Date:
Print Name: Construction Leadership
Title: Project Sponsor

Dealing with Changes to concept stage of a project scope

The changes in the scope of the project are detrimental in response to the lack of clarity in the project and in addition to the lack of contact between the client and the participants, poor change monitoring and controlling, weak project manager, communication Gap.

The processes of concept stage of a project scope Creep are given below:

  • Poor Requirements Analysis
  • Not Involving the Users Early Enough
  • Underestimating the Complexity of the Project
  • Lack of Change Control
  • Gold Plating

The Benefits of the scope creep are given below:

  • It helps to equip properly within the project tasks.
  • It helps to secure the right people.
  • It helps to create culture drive awareness among the participants.
  • It helps to solve the basic problem that may arise in the scope of the project.

And finally, the person who will be responsible for the scope creep is the authorized person who is signatory as project manager to deal with all correspondence to accomplish the project.

Project Management Tools for Managing Scope

The techniques for scope development are given below:

  • Value Management
  • Risk Management
  • Value Engineering Management
  • Group Solving Process

Therefore, the scope management has the preferential outcome to the extent of the scope planning and development with proper scope specification by designing the proper project cycle to deal with the tasks in a proper manner. Moreover, the success factor of the scope management should be measured as well as reviewed to the context of the management of scope changes and impact of it on the scope changes to deliver the success results of the project.

Finally, there should have the mechanism to identify the scope risk that should be minimized, should have proper scope resource planning as the wastage can be avoided, should have scope risk response planning to get the proper feedback, should have scope risk monitoring and controlling activities to find out the error and later deal with it to solve the error.

Written by

Md. Shadequr Rahaman

Email: [email protected]

Concept Stage of a Project

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