Why schools should teach the curriculum of the future not the past

Why schools should teach the curriculum of the future not the past


The nature of the issue that is being addressed is about course curriculum where “why schools should teach the curriculum of the future not the past”. The course curriculum should be future oriented as because world scenario is changing every moment. From science to Arts, each and everywhere, there have so many massive changes. There have random technological changes. New theories are being introduced. World economic theories are also being changed with the situation. Therefore, the basement of student from which they get the core knowledge about education, it should be future oriented. It will not be supportive to follow the 15-20 years before course curriculum. Rather, in 2020, the course curriculum should be designed by the authority by focusing on the upcoming changes that is going to be incurred in business field, science field, arts filed, research field and of course technological field (Passig, 2010). Moreover, the pattern of learning is also changing worldwide in which the past curriculum could not be beneficial for the student in the areas of creative skills, analytical skills, Problem-solving skills, digital skills, technological skill, and of course collaboration skill. In addition to, there is no certainty what will be demand of workforce in next 10 years because the workforce skill on that upcoming changes area would be an asset for him or her. So, this is also an issue while teaching with past curriculum to the school students whereas they will not be informed about the workforce changes also.

The possible solutions that could be adopted for “Why schools should teach the curriculum of the future not the past”

The possible solution that could be adopted for teaching the curriculum of the future and avoiding the past curriculum as follows:

1.0 Schools must teach computer science as part of the core curriculum

The importance of computer knowledge is very important for students in school because school is the basement for student for learning about something from the very beginning. The demand of computer learning is increasing day by day, in response to that Schools must teach computer science as the student could be familiar with this mechanism of computer science. The fundamental leering of should be taught at school level as the student could be known about full features of the computer in response to its beneficial outcomes. Wen student will be able to know about the beneficial outcome of it, then they will be interested more to know about it and learn it very seriously. According to ((Armoni and Gal-Ezer, 2014)) Computer science is not just about coding rather it is a full package of learning. It implies that the computational thinking of the student will be increased and well developed when they will know about the computer science and it contribution. In other words, they will be familiar with the functional activating of computer science in terms of interface design, graphics design, AutoCAD design, website design an so on. Computer oscine will be beneficial for them for data analysis, and networking and robotics. According to ((Ben-Ari, 2004)). Computer science is important for developing technical careers in the developed world. I plies that when student have gathered the collaborative skill by learning multi-tasking task in computer science, it must be easy for developing technical careers as he knows the computer tools and terminologies in all phases. According to ((Paz and Levy, 2005)), Computer science should be part of their national curriculum. It implies that when it will be a national curriculum, then it will be able to reach every student by school to teach them about computer science, it features, applications, tools and techniques.

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2.0 Schools must use digitalized mechanism as part of the core curriculum

Internet is the large place for digital learning and digital mechanism. Internet is like an open book for the teachers as well as students. Here, teacher must have to play the role of educating the students about the advantages of internal at deeply. The use digitalized mechanism by the means of internet will add something special features in the way of teaching as well as learning. In 2020, the internet world is vast and there are so many information available here but it will be challenging for the student getting the right and correct content from the internet at the very beginning. In that case, for filling the digital needs in school, school or teacher must deliver the right approach of internet learning to the student as they can make the best use of it. On the other hand, it is also important for school to present or discuss about the negative issues of disadvantages issues in internet that should be avoided by the student.  According to ((Yakıncı, Gürbüz and Yetiş, 2018)), the impact of digital platform in future oriented education is very important. It implies that when student would be able to adopt the use of internet in right and correct manner, it will help them for getting regular updates in technological innovation changes, business innovation and changes, science innovation and changes and so on.

Reason for not recommending at least one of the possible solutions

I am not recommending at least one of the possible solutions because it is not possible to focus only one area for teaching the curriculum of the future as there are so many issues are related like technology, science, mathematics, business and so on.

Recommended solution and justifications

From the above discussion, I would like to recommend to emphasize on teaching computer science because computer science will open the knowledge about digital platform and other so many benefits from data analysis to innovation in various issues.


So, the issue (Why schools should teach the curriculum of the future not the past) of past course curriculum thought by the schools is a problem for the students’ knowledge generation and adoption of new knowledge will be obstructed at large scale. (Partovi, 2015), pointed that it has been challenging for redefining a foundational education to cope with the skill required for dealing with the changes and cope up with the evolution of skills that is largely required for innovation, problem solving skills and overall success. He also demonstrated that past curriculums like an obstruction for preparing the next generation for the future adequately and it may be the reason for failure also.

Therefore, the overall summary is that

  • Teaching should be future oriented.
  • Computer science must be a national curricula to cope up with future oriented learning.
  • Internet knowledge will also add a value for helping in future oriented learning.


Armoni, M. and Gal-Ezer, J., 2014. High school computer science education paves the way for higher education. Computer Science Education, 24(2-3), pp.101-122.

Ben-Ari, M., 2004. Computer Science Education in High School. Computer Science Education, 14(1), pp.1-2.

Partovi, H., 2018. Why schools should teach the curriculum of the future, not the past. World Economic Forum.

Passig, D., 2010. TEACHING THROUGH A CROSS‐GENERATION FUTURE‐ORIENTED CURRICULUM. Religious Education, 95(2), pp.190-214.

Paz, T. and Levy, D., 2005. Introducing computer science to educationally disadvantaged high school students. Research in Science & Technological Education, 23(2), pp.229-244.

Yakıncı, Z., Gürbüz, P. and Yetiş, G., 2018. Internet Usage Habits and Internet Usage in Educational Studies of Vocational School Students. Journal of Computer and Education Research, 6(11), pp.33-46.


Written by

Md. Shadequr Rahaman

Email: [email protected]

Why schools should teach the curriculum of the future not the past

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