
Human Resource Accounting

Implications of Human Resource Accounting

Definition of Human resource accounting

Human resource accounting is accounting and recognition of expenses related to employees of the organization and involves costs related to recruitment, selection, training, hiring etc. It enables management to properly plan and budget for training and other services for the human resource. It measures the cost related to the human resource of the organization.

Objectives of Human resource accounting

  • The objectives of Human resource accounting are as follows –
  • Measuring cost related to the human resource of the organization
  • Enabling management to properly plan and budget for training and other services for the human resource.
  • To ensure proper utilization of resources is done or not.
  • Increasing awareness and value about

Human Resource Strategy of TESCO in UK

Every organization selects qualified employees to achieve their goals. Only selecting the right people for the right place is not the main work, besides to make them more productive and efficient, several training and development programs should be arranged and to retain them organizations have to focus their demands. All these works are done by the Human Resource department (Barnes, 2011).

Human Resource Strategy of TESCO in UK

From recruiting to retain customers in the organization is done by the HR department. In this assignment, the researcher plays as an HR assistant in Tesco, the largest supermarket in the UK and he has to discuss the following factors that recruitment & selection, induction & training, different motivational strategies. Besides, the …

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