Hospitality Experience

Hospitality Experience


The industry of Hospitality is the broad market in the service sector in the area of tourism industry including the theme parks, event planning, cruise line etc. A hospitality unit could be the dimension of a hotel, amusement park, restaurant where multiple groups are engaged to provide the hospitality facility through internal external customer strategy along with the proper management operations strategy to make lucrative this sector in the form of providing services. Hospitality experience is a big deal to provide satisfactory service to the tourist as the tourist may get full support from the service provider. Here, operation management is also involved to deal with tourist to consider their security as well as comfortable issue.

Role of Hospitality Experience to Satisfy the Tourist

For the internal customers who are basically the employee of the organization or business are directly involved with the service of hospitality experience play a vital role to satisfy the tourist by their way of talking, behavior, manner, and attitude. In the hospitality industry the best experiences could be the dealing with the customer expectations which is meet up by the employee of the organization.

Satisfied customers are looking for a memorable experience in an unknown place as to get the full support with warm welcome in smile faces. And this expectation is huge valuable from the customer point of view. Moreover, there are the expectations to get dynamic service where it counts. There are customer expectations to get quick service while coming to hotel for rent.

For example: when a customer come to a hotel as tourist he or she expect a quick responses from the internal customer who act as customer service manager as he will help to provide quick service to check in the hotel as well when he check out from the hotel in both cases customer intend to get quick services. Besides, they preferred the expectations to get customization food menu by their own food choices from the customer service manager. Moreover the customers as a tourist want to feel as valuable he is to them to be appreciated.


There is another key factor is to provide the on time services to the customer because it is the most vital strategy to keep satisfied the customer or the tourist in the hospitality experience. Besides, the aspect of keeping the tourists engaging to  provide the awesome service which is relevant to deliver on promise when it comes to the matter of customer satisfaction in terms of deliver on promise whatever the demand was for the tourist.

For example: When a tourist come they prefer to stay in a luxurious room having all the modern facilities in the rook like Wi-Fi internet on 24 hours, television, 24 hours room services, food order by choice, better equipped bathrooms, luxurious room with luxurious bed and furniture. If all the above things are being promised to provide the external customer or deliver to the tourist then it could be the matter of highly appreciated customer satisfaction. If found that there is breakdown of promise to deliver those services then external customers are more likely to get frustrated while offering special services or premium services but not fulfilled causes disappoint them throughout the process of customer service.


Happy customers are loyal customers and happiness in hospitality experience is measured by the customer as well as tourist satisfaction. Customer loyalty depends on the approaches of the internal customer service management how priority they are giving to a tourist as he can feel that he is something special or valuable to them. This is not only to provide different services as per agreement rather keeping regular communication especially in different occasion by wishing them through SMS or phone calls.

For example: Customer loyalty could be achieved by keeping up with trends that the tourists may prefer building personal assistance services for traveling from one place to another, by providing special concessions them. All over the service provider should be sure about the availability service or product that he preferred as he or she may get it on demand immediately then he can feel that he is special to the service provider. In that context, the customer service strategy will do not waiting the customer as he became bored and irritating while serving him any kinds of services and keep customers as well as tourist loyal by focusing on them at all times.


For the operation management strategy acculturation will help the internal customer like office staffs or the operation manager to be convenient with other culture and can deal with the tourist coming from the different cultures.  The practice of acculturation help the operation manager to know the customs, traditions etc. of other countries and help them to give the value of other culture and showing proper respect to the other cultured people.

For example: A person from Thailand goes to Russia to enjoy the upcoming Football World Cup, in that case the tourist has gone to a new place, new cultural atmosphere. In that context, he will want someone who can treat him in his cultural way or similar like that. Then the concept of acculturation will work effective for the operation manager as he can read the mind of the Thailand people and according to this giving service.


There must have a strategy for Quality Management System in the context of hospitality experience because tourist wants quality services that will cherish their mind automatically and get happy from inner mind.  Quality Management System is conducted by each of the hotel’s front liners who are the team member of operation management.

For example: The Quality Management System set parameters for measuring quality service in which the performance of the operation management as well as customer service management is monitored properly to identify the error in the time of providing services or dealing with tourist. Suppose, in providing service there found there was lacking in supplying customized food then quality management system will help to ensure that further this lacking will not be repeated. Along with quality management system, there should have strategy of performance indicator to determine performance above or under standard services.


Performance indicator will ensure proper review to focus on the service delivery and faithful to its objectives by receiving tourist’s feedback, comment or opinion about the service. However, in the customer service strategy and the operation strategy, ethical considerations are relevant from the choices owners and managers point of view. There may be arise conflict between the owners and managers. Whatever the conflict issue is, in case of hospitality service there should not have any conflict between them. There will not be any harmful issue towards the internal customer service management or operation management.

It could be found that customer service representatives who are not completely open and honest about aspects of providing services or when he is dealing with the purchase, selling and distribution role then he should follow the ethical standard to be honest to the activities which is connected to the customer service that may cause harm to the customer as tourist, even may create impact for the owner. On the other hand owner also follows the ethical standard while dealing with the internal customer as office staff and the tourist in hospitality industry. Besides, ethical standard should be followed by the owners as well as management when billing for the customer service to the tourists.  It should be fair and visible to both parties.

Hospitality Experience


So, it could be concluded that hospitality experience is all about to have good experience for the tourist from the start of travelling to ending. Among the bunch of good experience getting a good service as a tourist from an unknown place, unknown people is also the part of good experience that cherish them to get service again when they will come next time. And it is only possible by the service provider when they provide service by maintaining a proper service and operation management where ethical standard should be followed.

References – Hospitality Experience

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Imran Khan, R.J.G.Z.r., 2015. Customer Service Experience in Hotel Operations: An Empirical Analysis. Journal of Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management, 14, pp.266-74.

Lashley, C., 2015. Hospitality Experience: An Introduction to Hospitality Management. [Online].

Noreldzaihan Mohd Rais, R.M.M.M., 2016. Reconceptualisation of Customer Experience Quality (CXQ) Measurement Scale. Journal of Procedia Economics and Finance, 37, pp.299-303.

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UkEssay, 2017. Operations Management Of The Hotel Industry. [Online].

Written by

Md. Shadequr Rahaman

Email: [email protected]

Hospitality Experience

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