Personal Statement of University of Derby

Education enables the path of gaining knowledge and knowledge gives us the ultimate power to know about the world around us and do something better for it. It develops the perspective of looking at our life and realizes how much we are important for our society and the world. So to make a better world and contribute as a responsible human being education is a must for all.

Personal Statement of University of Derby

Personal Statement of University of Derby

I am also a responsible human being in the world and very grateful to almighty for giving me this life. I want to do something better for the people around me by making myself a better person and enlighten me with the power of knowledge. So education is very much important for me and going abroad for higher study and pursuing proper learning is a dream comes true.

As a sincere and dedicated student of health and social care, I was always interested to pursue my higher study from a foreign country. People value the foreign degree more and provide some better opportunities to that individual. So I think it will also bring better opportunities for me in the job market. I will become a better and competent candidate and capable of taking more responsibilities. I will also be able to improve my living standard and in the future, I can start my own health care center as a health care assistant.

I have completed my level 3 in health and social care studies. It is my favorite sector to pursue a higher degree. I already know about different sections and a wide range of information about the health care sector and I think if I pursue my higher studies in this course I will become more competent and efficient in this area. Eventually, I will be able to provide better health and social care support to the people and become a better health companion.

Currently, I am working as a volunteer with an NGO. I have learned different ways to help people and deal with many sudden situations as well. It makes me feel happy and satisfied to help people in their need. The overall scenario of my everyday life teaches me to become compassionate towards the people and provide them support as much as I can. Previously, I was working as a sales assistant at Subway, so due to work pressure and my unstable health condition I had to take a break from my studies. It was hard for me to concentrate and cope up with my learning. So I took a break, take control of my health and work and now I am perfectly fit to start my higher study in Health and Social Care.

The University of Derby is my dream university to start my higher study. It is the best place to have the opportunity to pursue my health and social care degree here. The university is very supportive of the students in their personal and professional life. They provide the best experience of learning in the most interesting and effective way.

So I will consider myself lucky if I get the opportunity to study here and serve the people with my knowledge and learning in the near future.

Written by

Md. Shadequr Rahaman

Email: [email protected]

Personal Statement of University of Derby

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