Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting

Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting

The Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting describes the objective of, and the concepts for, general purpose financial report. The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)’s existing Conceptual Framework was developed by its predecessor body, the International Accounting Standards Committee, in 1989 (AASB, 2015). Although the existing Conceptual Framework has helped the IASB when developing International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS):

  • Some important areas are not covered;
  • The guidance in some areas is unclear; and
  • Some aspects of the existing Conceptual Framework are out of date.

Consequently, in 2004 the IASB and the FASB initiated a joint project to revise their Conceptual Framework. The project was suspended in 2010 and restarted in 2012 (AASB, 2015). The objective of the project is to improve financial reporting by providing a more complete, clear and updated set of concepts. One of the areas to be addressed is the financial performance (including the use of other comprehensive income) (AASB, 2015). IASB’s view is that income and expenses included in the statement of profit or loss are the primary sources of information about an entity’s financial performance for the period, there is a rebuttable presumption that all income and all expenses will be included in that statement. However, they could be reported outside the statement of profit or loss and included in other comprehensive income (OCI) only if:

  1. The income or expenses related to assets or liabilities measured at current values; and
  2. Excluding those items from the statement of profit or loss would enhance the relevance of the information in the statement of profit or loss for the period.

Details Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting

Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting

The Companies’ Reporting of Comprehensive Income

Comprehensive Income (CI) is the addition of net profit and particular things that must avoid the announcement of profit clarification since they have not been acknowledged or realized, including things like a unrealized profit or loss from open available to be procured securities and profit or loss from the outside cash interpretation as foreign currency translation fact. Comprehensive Income (CI) endeavors to quantify the aggregate of all working and money related occasions that have changed the estimation of a proprietor’s fervor for a business. It is assessed on each offer begin to get the impacts of crippling and alternatives.

  • For Macmahon Holdings Ltd, on the off chance that it is considered the 2017 financial report of the organization then, it is seen that it has a comprehensive loss since 2016 and 2017. In the time of 2017, it has a thorough loss of $21036 which is 3 times losses contrast with the loess adjusts of the time of 2016. In this manner, the firm confronted loss in the region of the remote cash interpretation and losses from an accessible offer of the securities. It is accepted that when the firm does not have appropriate trade out streams from the advantage and increment the liabilities, that may result to the reduction in the value than every one of these situations is the grasp some portion of the CI losses for an organization. It is seen that, Macmahon Holdings Ltd was enduring to the zone of the remote money interpretation, offer of securities, produce trade inflows out 2017 and even the liabilities of the firm likewise expanded, at that point it is the essential situation that Macmahon Holdings Ltd may have the CI losses in the time of 2017. (Macmohon, 2017)
  • For Mercantile Investment Company Ltd, in the event that it is considered the 2017 budgetary report of the organization then it is seen that it has the thorough pay (losses) since 2017 yet pay in2016 In the time of 2016, it has the CI loss of $2175633 which is tumbled down to the losses in 2017 contrast with 2016. It expected that the firm may bring about losses because of disappointment in outside money interpretation and losses from an offer of the securities. The things occurred for Mercantile Investment Company in 2017 is that it has the development of significant worth in the reasonable estimation of the long haul value speculation. In addition, it was enduring to the region of the offer of securities, produce trade inflows out and even the liabilities of the firm likewise expanded in 2017, at that point it is the essential situation that Mercantile Investment Company Ltd may have the CI losses in the time of 2017. (MICL, 2017)
  • For Maca Ltd, on the off chance that it is contemplated the 2017 money related report of the organization then it is seen that it has the CI profit in 2017 and 2016. In the time of 2017, it has the CI income of $30170 which is expanded contrast with the loess adjust of the time of 2016. Along these lines, the firm caused gain in the zone of the remote cash interpretation and gain from an accessible offer of the securities. It is expected that when the firm has legitimate money inflows from the benefit and reduction the liabilities, that may result to the expansion in the value than every one of these situations is the portion of the CI for an organization. (Maca, 2017)

The Similarity and Difference Between the Companies in Relation to the Disclosure of Comprehensive Income

In response to the comprehensive income, the similarities fact among these three companies is foreign currency translation, sale of securities. Moreover, it is also found the similarities in the factor of generating cash inflows among the three companies.

Therefore the differences are in the factor of among these three companies in the movement of value in the fair value of the long term equity investment. Along with these, there were differences in the aspect of whether it is profit as comprehensive or loss as a comprehensive loss, as it is seen Macmohon and Mercantile incurred the comprehensive loss and Maca is generated comprehensive income.

What is IASB’s current definition of profit or loss and other comprehensive income (OCI) and whether the definition, if one existed, meet the needs of stakeholders?

IASB Profit & Loss (PL) affirmation is a bookkeeping elucidation coordinated toward the total of a monetary quarter or year which incorporates compensation and cost things to display a bookkeeping net preferred standpoint or difficulty. IASB Profit & Loss (PL) statement should be considered, near to the monetary record and illumination of money streams, to get a wide thought of the association’s budgetary position. (Iasplus, 2018) As P&L elucidations depend after bookkeeping rules which can change or be in danger to checks, budgetary specialists need to thoroughly see how unique appraisals would affect the affiliation’s execution especially if solid assessments have been utilized to show better benefit. (Devolam, 2017)

OCI is those benefit, costs, increments, and loss under both Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and International Financial Reporting Standards that are rejected from net profit on the income introduction. This incites they are genuinely recorded after net compensation on the income explanation. Benefit, costs, enlargements, and disasters appear in other expansive pay when they have not yet been fathoms it. Something has been seen when the concealed trade has been done, for instance, when a wander is sold. In this manner, if an association has placed assets into bonds, and the estimation of those bonds changes, see the ability as a gain or loss in different genuine income. When offering the bonds, then gotten a handle on the gain or loss related with the bonds, and would then be able to move the gain or loss out of other serious pay and into a detail higher in the income statement, so it is a bit of net income. (Shelly, 2017)

Things that may be designed in IASB PL definition are:

  • Unfamiliar holding growth or adversity on wanders that are named open accessible to be gained
  • Outside money understanding growth
  • Annuity plan increases or troubles
  • Annuity prior affiliation costs or credits (Malley, 2015)

Also, clearly this suitable elucidation clarity and definition by IASB on profit and Loss and OCI must address the issue of the accomplice in light of the financial information reporting need of them.

So, therefore, P&L summary is one of the three fundamental cash related announcements used to review an association’s execution and money related position (the two others being the benefit report and the pay clarification). The P&L statement gathers the sales revenue (income) and expenses made by the association over the entire itemizing time span. The P&L declaration is generally called the income summary, clarification of benefit, the announcement of undertakings, or decree of pay.

All associations need to deliver income to stay in business. Incomes are used to pay costs, interest portions on commitment, and charges owed to the organization. After the costs of cooperating are paid, the whole left completed is called net profit. Net profit is theoretically open to speculators, anyway rather than paying out benefits, the affiliation’s organization frequently holds income for future enthusiasm for the business.

Written by

Md. Shadequr Rahaman

Email: [email protected]

Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting

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