Author : circlebizz

Human Resource Strategy of TESCO in UK

Every organization selects qualified employees to achieve their goals. Only selecting the right people for the right place is not the main work, besides to make them more productive and efficient, several training and development programs should be arranged and to retain them organizations have to focus their demands. All these works are done by the Human Resource department (Barnes, 2011).

Human Resource Strategy of TESCO in UK

From recruiting to retain customers in the organization is done by the HR department. In this assignment, the researcher plays as an HR assistant in Tesco, the largest supermarket in the UK and he has to discuss the following factors that recruitment & selection, induction & training, different motivational strategies. Besides, the …

Marketing Strategy of PRADA in UK

The main motive of an organization is to earn profit by satisfying customer demands and make a better position in the market. In this article, we will critically analyze the Marketing Strategy of PRADA in UK. To grab customers’ attention and make a secure place in the competitive market there is no other option rather than marketing. Marketing helps an organization to identify target customers and their needs and wants and try to supply their required products according to their demand.

Marketing Strategy of PRADA in UK

Marketing does the foremost works of a company that stimulates one’s business and drives sales of its products and services. The marketing department performs all the key responsibilities starting with marketing research and …

Marketing Strategy of GUCCI in UK

Every organization wants to increase their sales and enhance its customer satisfaction. In this article we will focus on the Marketing Strategy of GUCCI in UK.  To increase organizational sales and attract a large number of customers towards the organization there is no alternative to marketing. Marketing helps the organization to identify the customer needs and wants and try to offer the best products to satisfy their customer need (Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. 2018).

Marketing Strategy of GUCCI in UK

The main job of the marketing department of the organization is to analyze the internal and external environment, product design, and promotional strategy as well as provide better customer services (Kotler, P. Et al., 2012).  In this assignment, …

Management Theories Applied by Marks and Spencer

Leadership and Management Theories Applied by Marks and Spencer Ltd.

There are many leadership and management theories applied by Marks and Spencer Ltd. in their business operations. The management and leadership theories which are used by the organization are given below:

Contemporary Theory of Management

Marks and Spencer Ltd. use contemporary management theory to deal with higher production costs in the current situation. Managers of the organization try to reduce the cost of raw material by negotiating with suppliers (Giuliani and Kurson, 2007). The leaders motivate the employees to cope up with new suppliers and maintain their performance outcomes.

Management by Objective (MBO)

Organizational objectives are achieved by employees and managers of Marks and spencer with their combined effort. Here …

Develop a Coherent Marketing Mix for McDonald’s

The marketing mix is known as a conceptual framework for fighting against marketing challenges. There are many different ways to do the marketing mix as 4P’s, 5P’s and 7P’s but the core marketing concept is the 4P combination. The marketing mix is providing a specific offering to meet a specific customer segment’s needs and demand.

Develop a Coherent Marketing Mix for McDonald’s New Product

Basically, the market strategy or techniques for McDonald’s is encouraging people to eat tasty and healthy.  So if they are going to develop the new geographical market segment they need to be a concern with the marketing mix orientation which has described below:

Marketing Mix for McDonald’s


Product is the main offering from McDonald’s. They …

Difference Between Leader and Manager

Difference Between Roles and Characteristics of Leader and Manager

In business world managers and leaders are considered the same but in practice, their functions are different from each other. Managers set vision; mission and objective for any organization and leaders communicate the vision, mission, and objectives with the employees (Bisen and Srivastava, 2009). The main function of the leaders is to communicate the organizational visions and objectives with the employees. The role and characteristics of leaders and managers are different and they are given as follows:

Difference Between Leader and Manager

Leaders Managers
Leaders will focus on objectives that are developed by managers. Managers will develop business objectives for the organization.
A leader interacts with the employees. A manager interacts
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