Multiple Communication Channels

Multiple Communication

Executive Summary

This report centers around investigating strategies to enhance the quantity of clients, along these lines, help to grow the Oliva Fashion House through the use of multiple communication channels. The three proposals that investigated are; Dress Exhibition, Facebook, and Discounts. Through the accompanying strategies, Oliva Fashion House will have the capacity to welcome new clients to their Fashion House and shield their current clients from returning. Enlisting a Dress Exhibition is a brilliant advertising methodology to advance the Fashion House’s image name in various rural areas crosswise over Sydney; this will eventually draw in new clients who have not yet known about the Fashion House by visiting their area. Drawing in with the online community through Facebook to construct a believed system is profoundly respected; posting energetic and vivacious photographs of staffs and clients will eventually build the Fashion House’s amiability and buy dresses a positive, family-accommodating environment on the web. Ultimately, Discounts are supported by a lion’s share of buyers who want to buy things at a bargain, in like manner, offering restrictive trial vouchers or Discounts to youngsters, or college understudies will help pull in new clients and develop their business.

Background – Multiple Communication Channels

Oliva Fashion House is among the most observed Fashion Houses and has been working there for as far back as 10 years. It is a family possessed Fashion House for more than three ages. The Fashion House represents considerable authority in Exclusive collections and is most prominently well known for its designs. This report is to investigate three suggestions of using multiple communication channels (Facebook, Dress Exhibition, and Discounts) that will help grow their business, draw in new clients and keep their current ones. (Brown, 2017) Through the accompanying strategies, this will without a doubt help become the Fashion House and extend their business over the Sydney rural areas. No ifs ands or buts, through the accompanying procedures, Oliva Fashion House will have the capacity to build up their image broadly and will at last demonstrate their essence at any area.


The objective of this report is to pull in new clients to help create and develop Oliva Fashion House crosswise over Sydney through the use of multiple communication channels.


The target customer are non-Lebanese people and families; this is on the grounds that as Oliva Fashion House is a family Fashion House, drawing in new clients to an exuberant and fiery environment will start an enthusiasm among clients into the Fashion House.

Multiple Communication Channels

Facebook Recommendation

Informal communication through the use of multiple communication channels has without a doubt developed in notoriety in the previous couple of years. Sites like Facebook enable people to connect with different clients on the web; this is either through sending private or open online messages and sharing photographs. An exploration contemplates led by Kiss metrics investigated the effectiveness of Facebook, and they found that 63% of the most spellbinding and drawing in posts were of photographs, and it ended up being more successful than recordings, connections, and content based updates. Photographs transferred on Facebook by and large acquire around 64% more snap through on connections than content based posts, 104% more remarks and 3% more likes. (Solis, 2010)

Oliva Fashion House has a Facebook page anyway the stage is once in a while utilized, posts are transferred around every month and collaboration with their online community is generally frail. The Fashion House as of now has 6 Facebook pages for various rural areas; their posts are not the equivalent, and each page is less utilized than the other. To battle this, it is best for the Fashion House to seriously concentrate on using 2 Facebook page than four in the meantime, the person in control can gravely concentrate on one page and make utilization of it to its fullest potential. It isn’t important to have 6 Facebook pages for various rural areas; Fashion Houses, for example, Raymond have more than 40 branches crosswise over NSW yet work utilizing just 2 Facebook page as it is advantageous and sensible and also much available and not bewildering for the online community. It is a lot simpler for netizens to pursue or ‘like’ one Facebook page than 4. (Saydam, 2014)

To help extend their business, Oliva Fashion House ought to essentially concentrate on building up their online nearness by posting their elite accumulation of dresses like the blend of various plans which incorporates Casual shirts, Official Shirts, T shirts, Blazer, Jeans Pants, Formal Pants, Women accumulations and so forth. The Fashion House at present needs new photos of their dress designs, and a lion’s share of their substance is obsolete. Consequently, by transferring prominent dress designs like the blend of various designs alongside glad clients caught by their dress designs, the accompanying will help buy dresses a warm and welcoming environment on the web, this will ensure a developing client over the online community and help increment attention to the Fashion House on an overall scale.

As transferring new pictures incidentally is major for the Fashion House to keep their clients connected with and educated, the season of posting new substance is similarly as critical. An examination by Buddy media’s found that commitment rates on Thursdays and Fridays are 18% higher than whatever is left of the week. As of now, the Fashion House posts unpredictably and they are for the most part at various enormous events like Christmas, New Year festivity, EID Celebration and so forth. An examination by Social bakers found that transferring 5-10 posts for each week was the perfect sum for client commitment on the web. It is best to design business people posts when business people watchers are on the web, Follower wonk is a convenient apparatus as it shows the famous occasions and long stretches of netizens on the web. Besides, while transferring on Facebook, it is critical to keep business people post short and concise. (Ferguson, 2017)

Limitations in Facebook Communication Channel

The Fashion House will lose a significant measure of their online community by shutting down 3 Facebook pages and concentrating on only 1. To battle the misfortune, the Fashion House ought to advance on each of the 3 of their Facebook pages Oliva Fashion House principle and just profile by posting a connection before they deactivate. This methodology is helpful in light of the fact that netizens won’t need to search for Oliva Fashion House fundamental Facebook page and the Fashion House won’t completely lose their client.

Dress Exhibition Recommendation

The idea of utilizing a Dress Exhibition through the use of multiple communication channels to pick up presentation and bring issues to light of the Fashion House is a savvy advertising and crusade methodology. Welcoming individuals who might not have known about the Fashion House through adjusting networks in a scope of adaptable ways to buy dresses an increasingly various Sydney as well as aides buy dresses a genuine solid impact on clients. Dress Exhibition are helpful and perfect for coordinators; one essentially just drives in, give their administrations and afterward leave (BULAWAYO, 2017). They are remarkable and an economical type of gathering clients in a single setting. Leasing a Dress Exhibition welcomes numerous chances and investment funds for any business that needs to extend. For example, before fanning out, leasing a Dress Exhibition to survey potential areas, for example, the city or investigating new rural areas and checking whether the general population there would build up a mold knowledge and fashion concern that can spare the Fashion House from money related misfortune, time and exertion or help them win new clients and customer from different income class.

As Oliva Fashion House most famous restrictive dresses is the ‘blend of different plans’, rather than serving each part of the course by and large, it will be increasingly advantageous and reasonable to serve them independently. For example, with the upside of exhibition, it might have the capacity to display them all the selective gathering of dresses; representatives can get it from this exhibition at a specific price which is similar lower from the shops. (Vrijdag, 2012)

Most Dress Exhibition include a little arrangement of staffs performing various tasks; in this manner, it is imperative to enlist something like 3-5 workers. There ought to be no less than 1-2 representatives at the front dealing with client benefit, working the money enroll and serving clients. Whatever remains of the staff plays out the operational undertakings, for example, cleaning, cooking, and accounting. It is required to have a gourmet specialist that will assume responsibility of purchasing the provisions and gear. Most Dress Exhibition more often than not have one team leader, and the rest of the staffs are help as strong staff. Working in swarmed areas is in every case best for business as it ensures income and benefit. Raymond House Park, Metcalfe Park in Piermont, and Wynyard Park in the CBD are mainstream goals to display clients and expect some income consequently. Going to occasions like Raymond Fashion Park Market which works week by week each Saturday night in Sydney’s West, when seven days taking a shot at a week by week premise, will without a doubt develop business people mark and draw in more customers. Case of a prominent structured dress of Fashion House is Raymond’s, using this strategy to reach all around to all networks. (McGarvey, 2016)

Limitations in Dress Exhibition Communication Channel

An obstruction for enlisting a Dress Exhibition is no clients’ visiting or intrigued by the a few regions of exhibition. Oliva Fashion House will eventually endure a monetary misfortune yet in addition the debasement of the Fashion Houses mark, to conquer this hindrance, it will be best for the Fashion House to initiate at occasions where there is a blend of Lebanese and non-Lebanese people group, for instance, the Eid Festival at Festival Show Ground. Through this strategy, Oliva Fashion House will have clients that know about the festival fashions. Along these lines, their image won’t be underestimated, and the Fashion House won’t endure a budgetary misfortune. (McGarvey, 2016)

Another procedure urging more purchasers to stop by at Oliva Fashion House Dress Exhibition is by giving out free trial to clients; this can start intrigue and consideration and is speedy and simple to do. Setting up an additional consideration by different offers and presenting them in little extents is a proficient and modest straightforward approach to welcome new clients.

Discounts Offering Recommendation

To help develop their client, Oliva Fashion House ought to likewise highlight on building a vigorous client database by offering understudy Discounts, free coupons, and party time and dress vouchers through the use of multiple communication channels. An investigation directed by Wildfire Interactive demonstrated that vouchers given by Fashion Houses gained the most elevated commitment rates. This will without a doubt pull in understudies who purchase under a financial plan, old clients from returning and additionally new clients since the vast majority incline toward obtaining things at a bargain. Discounts fill in as a keen advertising system to bait clients into Fashion Houses. (Roque, 2017)

Be that as it may, before advancing deals in the would like to expand income, it is best to delineate an arrangement to approve the Fashion House is as yet making a benefit. Likewise, it is indispensable that agents know about business people current markup (the expense to add to a moving cost), profit margin (the sum earned from an offer of its item before conclusions of any costs) and breakeven point (recognizes the quantity of offers to be made before assessment). It is additionally imperative to decide the timeframe the deals will last. Moreover, the Fashion House should likewise be elevating a reasonable discount price to acquire an arrival.

Before advertising Discounts sales or free coupons, it is basic that representatives see how the accompanying will influence business people deals targets and net revenues. To effectively gain an arrival without making any misfortune to the business or cheapen the brand’s name, representatives must perceive business people current markup, net edge and breakeven figures and how the deals will influence business people income. (Lazazzera, 2018)

In the table below there is an example exhibited to explain the impact of sales on the gross margin due to discount. For example, the gross margin (top row) if it is 35% and the sales price is by 5% (the left-hand column), it is essential that you increase sales by 11% to earn a return

Table: Impact of sales on Gross Margin Due to Discount

Cut Prices by Gross Margin
10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%
5% 44% 35% 29% 21% 16% 11%
7% 65% 42% 31% 27% 19% 15%
9% 90% 65% 52% 40% 35% 24%

Multiple Communication Channels

Figure: Impact of sales on Gross Margin Due to Discount

Limitations in Discounts offering Communication Channel

By giving understudy Discounts, Oliva Fashion House personality may change and never again be taken a gander at as a family Fashion House. A flood of understudies involving the zone causing unsettling influence and misbehaving (for instance being uproarious and rambunctious), may totally change the personality of Oliva Fashion House and will never again be seen as family oriented. To battle the issue, the Fashion House ought to give understudy Discounts 2-3 times each week rather than consistently, so in a perfect world anytime will be adequate aside from ends of the week when most families do choose to buy dress outside. (Peregrine, 2017)


Brown, N. (2017, 07 28). Why Multi-Platform Content Is Key for Marketing to Younger Generations. Retrieved from Skyword

BULAWAYO. (2017). Trade exhibitions a marketing communications tool. Retrieved from Southern Eye

Ferguson, B. (2017). Use of multiple communication channels : A Multi-level, Multi-platform Approach to Communications on the South West Hub CCS Project. Energy Procedia, 7260-7275.

Lazazzera, R. (2018, 03 14). Ways to Use Offers, Coupons, Discounts and Deals to Generate More Sales . Retrieved from Shopify

McGarvey, G. (2016, 06 01). The Importance of a Multichannel Communications Strategy. Retrieved from IRP

Peregrine. (2017). Use of multiple communication channels. Retrieved from Peregrine

Roque, C. (2017, 04 14). How to Use Discount Pricing Strategies to Make More Sales. Retrieved from Envatotuts

Saydam, D. S. (2014). Facebook as a Marketing Communications Tool – Facebook Official Pages Content Analysis for Jordanian Telecommunications Companies in the Mobile Operators Sector. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 205-212.

Solis, B. (2010, 02 05). The Roles of Facebook and Twitter in Social Media Marketing. Retrieved from Brian Solis

Vrijdag. (2012, 01 20). Marketing Communication Tools: Fair and Exhibition. Retrieved from Marketing Communication

Written by

Md. Shadequr Rahaman

Email: [email protected]

Multiple Communication Channels

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