The Huanghe (Yellow) River: History and Development

The Huanghe (Yellow) River: History and Development

The Huanghe River History and Development

The Huanghe River is called the “Sorrow of China” because in ancient China the Huanghe River often overflowed and flooded everything. Twenty-six times in history, the course of this river has changed drastically. As a result, indescribable misery has descended on the lives of the Chinese people every time. The Huanghe River is said to be the lifeblood of Chinese civilization. Historians believe that the Chinese civilization was founded on the banks of this river.

The Huanghe (Yellow) River: History and Development

The Huanghe River is also known as the Yellow River. The Huanghe River has a lot of sand. For this reason, sometimes the water of the Huanghe River turns yellow. And hence the name of the Huanghe River.

The Huanghe is the second-longest river in China and the second largest in Asia and the fifth-longest in the world. The Huanghe River originates in the northern part of the Bayan Har River in Qinghai Province and flows into the Yellow Sea. The river traverses a total of 5,644 kilometers through nine provinces in China.
Seen from the sky, the Huanghe River looks like the Chinese letter “几”. In the past, the Huanghe River was frequently flooded, sometimes drying up. After the establishment of New China, China began to control the river water after the construction of the Xiaolandi Irrigation Facility which has also benefited the settlements on both sides economically. Hukhou Falls and Longmen Branch is currently a popular tourist destination.

Many historians believe that the great Chinese civilization developed around this river. About four thousand years ago, people from several communities began to live on both sides of the Huanghe River.
This is how settlements developed on both sides of the Huanghe River. Some believe that the early Chinese settled on the land on both sides of the Huanghe River. That is why the Huanghe River is known as the mother river of China. The grazing lands of the Huanghe River Basin are very fertile and rich in minerals. The oldest Chinese civilization developed in this river basin. This river basin is the cradle of Chinese civilization, history, and culture.

Recent changes and countermeasures of The Huanghe River

Since the 1960s a progression of huge stores has been implicit the upper and center spans of the HuangheRiver. Changes brought about by these repositories remember a diminishing for flood discharge and dregs burden to the lower comes to and then again, an expansion of the sediment focus in the river water. This aggregation of residue in the river channel is a major issue in the lower HuangheRiver and has caused unusual and mutilated stream courses in the waterway bed.

These impacts include shrinkage of the river channel, successive dewatering (i.e., zero flow) in the waterway mouth region, and hanging rivers (i.e., a stream channel raised over its floodplain).

The zero flow bit of the river has bit by bit expanded upstream for about the whole 700 km of the lower reach. Usage of the floodplains for agribusiness and transitory towns has become a significant issue. To counter these progressions and circumstances, new measures, new systems, and new reasoning must be adjusted consolidating results from the ongoing chips away at residue transport and amassing.

Water conservancy works (dams, siphoning stations, siphon-admissions, and so forth.) are ordinarily utilized for change of waterway water and silt releases and for the water system and hydro-power age.

As of late, they are likewise being utilized to direct tests utilizing the supply water/silt blend to flush out dregs kept in the channel bed and transport the residue to places where it is required or into the Bohai Sea. Also, the fate of the new deltaic sub-flap in the Bohai Sea (created in 1996) and the current estuary should be considered concerning future turn of events.

So, The Huanghe River, because of its tremendous residue load, successive floods, and moves in course, has majorly affected the waterfront locales of China. The high grouping of suspended residue and sediment load is answerable for some weird or novel wonders, for example, “hanging stream” and hazardous snares on the seaside plain, and hyperpycnal crest, shear fronts, liquid mud, sloppy lakes, and hard plate-like sands in the underwater condition. Diminishes in-stream release in the course of recent years have prompted regular dry periods when the waterway doesn’t arrive at the ocean but the danger of flood fiascos despite everything exists. Due to oil and different improvements in the delta in the course of recent decades, the Chinese government has overseen and settled the waterway channels. Extra administration activities ought to be made to promote completely use the waterway release of water and residue, proceed with adjustment of the stream mouth, and oblige proceeded with advancement.

Written by

Md. Shadequr Rahaman

Email: [email protected]

The Huanghe (Yellow) River: History and Development

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