Evaluate the Suitability and Impact of Different Leadership Styles

Evaluate the Suitability and Impact of Different Leadership Styles

1.1. Explain the importance of defining the objectives, scope and success criteria of the decisions to be taken

Organization makes decision on the basis of its goals and objectives.  To come up with appropriate decision, business needs to have clear target and track of business progress. For each and every organization it is very important to describe their objectives, scope and success criteria before going for any projects. Structured and defined objectives are the pathway to achieve the actual goal and success of any organization. The organization must need to measure their scope of improvement before targeting any project and they all need to measure the profitability of the organization. For Unilever UK, an objective might be selected for a specified way of measuring advantages they will be getting each year from the organization with Different Leadership Styles. Scope means that the likelihood to achieve anything. Extension is something which contains determining a breakdown of specific targets, projects, costs as well as work deadlines. Unilever also can consider improving their business market or area or expanding the region to do the business successfully in all over the world. It’s one particular type of extension for the company. So based on all of the criteria’s, decision need to be taken for organizations. Unilever could use to measure success of their new sites by making use of taking after specifications as their success, if Unilever is able to broaden consummation amongst their employees as well as customers.

different leadership styles

1.2. Assess the importance of analyzing the potential impact of decision making

The importance of analyzing the potential impact of decision making is necessary for the benefit of the organization. Making a decision is an indispensable appliance inside every organization. Its must go ahead the organization. Decision making is such a crucial factor by which success and failure can get decided. A wise and intelligent decision can give success and achievement to the organization where a wrong decision can be very harmful for the organizational health and reputation. So the decision makers need to be very cautious about the factors and carefully analyze and interpret all the current and previous situations to predict the future. To be sure the accomplishment of every plan any organization must drag these using factors: organizations need to assure that their relative is looking for suitable locations to establish their brand new branch The respective authorities of the organization need to focus perfectly regarding the historic background for the place as well as judgments of people for the new destination or new project. They can establish an alternative expense for this latest project by thinking about business market and market condition of the economy.

1.3. Explain the importance of obtaining sufficient valid information to enable effective decision making

 The importance of obtaining sufficient valid information to enable effective decision making plays a crucial role. To begin the process of a business the organization needs to figure out these following details. Market condition is an important source of information. Prior to starting a business any organization should take into account the economic climate. They need to analyze the market condition and environment of the business environment to predict their future of business. They should analyze the strengths and drawback of the organization. The organization also needs to figure out what are good sides and weak points. This will likely establish a striking method for their company. They need to do the swot analysis to know about their business strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. They need to take plan and implement it according to the swot analysis which will provide them a clear direction for work. They also need to know the name of various organizations. Customers are lured by unique brand name. They need choose an innovative and creative name which will match with their business and customers will also feel interested to know and explore their offerings and provided services. They also need to inform the customers about their specific benefits they are offering by their business. In this regard, the organizations have to ponder its various opponents well.

1.4. Explain the importance of aligning decisions with business objectives, values and policies

Decision making is very important sector of any organization. It lets the organization grad new opportunities and removes the threats. But the decision making process must be need to align with business objectives, values and policies of the organization. Without clearly defined and interrelated decision making it is impossible to achieve the company goal and make the positive impact to the organization. If the decisions are not consistent and correlated with the objectives and values then the company will not be able to achieve success and it will be hard for the company to cope up with the new situations. It will be impossible for the company to maintain the business policies and improve their values and reach the goal. The key component of any successful business is to align the decision making process with values and the policies that company is used to cope up with.  It makes them capable of ensuring the bond between their objectives and decision making process. Decision alignment helps to make effective decision at all levels of the business organization. For example Harrods sales persons plays very important role within decision alignment is to achieve the targets in such way so that it maximizes profit of the organization, maintain good relation with the customer and establish long term relationship with them to get loyal customers.

1.5. Explain how to validate information used in the decision making process

Checking data by organizations are necessary. It is very important for every organization to check the authenticity of their collected information and check their reliability and validity. It will help the business to pave the right way and direction in decision making. The process of making a decision is separated into a couple of phases. Therefore, information tends to be verified as well as re-checked by assorted regulators. The company can maintain a unit including ‘assessment as well as training’ which ensures the trustworthiness of the facts. Supervisors together with each individual employee are outstanding. Therefore, they are able to grasp if the information is helpful or not. They always need to be careful about the data sources from which they are collecting information. Primary data sources are always better for collecting information though it a bit lengthy and time consuming process. There is no secondary option of neglecting the importance of validate and reliable information. They are like resources of the organization.

1.6. Explain how to address issues that hamper the achievement of targets and quality standards

To address the issues that can hamper the achievement of targets and quality standards there are some certain factors need to consider carefully. The success of business lies in the achievement of all the targets and quality standards maintenance. These are the two most important task of any business organization to cope up with the hampering issues. If targets of the organization cannot be met that indicate that the business is not doing their operation appropriately. This can create bad image of the organization in front of the employees and consumers as well.  The organization will be marked as a lower performed organization. Stakeholders also have a wrong idea about the organizational capability and potentials. A manger must identify the issues which are hampering the works and destroying quality standard of the organization. Lack of business sense, lack of direction, motivation, failure to develop plan of action, failure to improve the results can be the main issues that hamper target and quality standards of the company. If these start to happen managers need to be concern about eliminating these issues from organization as soon as possible otherwise the business will face difficulty in maintenance and loss it’s good will among the customers as well.

2.1. Explain the difference in the influence of managers and leaders on their teams

There are many differences in the influence of manager and leaders are seen in their team management. Basically managers consider their team members as subordinates and leaders have followers as their teams. Managers maintain a position of authority given by the company whereas the leaders inspire people to perform their level best and inspire people to improve their work and give them importance. Managers avoid risks and leaders take risks with the team. Managers give orders which is mostly dislike by the team members and leaders work with their team which influence them to perform well.

2.2. Evaluate the suitability and impact of different leadership styles in different contexts

There are many leadership models (Different Leadership Styles) are available and their suitability and impact of different leadership styles are different based on the organizational culture and structure. They are:

Pacesetting: Entirely depending on the team leader’s course. It will probably perform best once the associates are entirely empowered as well as skilled meanwhile. It totally depends on the direction of the leader how he want to guide his team.

Training: It is dependent on maintaining their subordinates. It’s most appropriate for choosing a new associate. Training is the way of teaching skills to the employees required for the work.

Coercive: Here team leader asks for quick critique. It is advisable for the times during the crisis or even turmoil.

2.3. Analyses theories and models of motivation and their application in the workplace

 Maslow’s hierarchy theory is very popular in different organization. The theories and models of motivation and their application in the workplace are given below:

  1. Physiological: Require fundamental facilities of daily life. For example food, cloths home etc. Physiological needs are the basic needs of people without these basic needs people cannot live or survive properly.
  2. Safety: Important for personal and social safety after meeting the physical needs. People seek safety from danger, accidents, robbery etc.

III.   Social: Requirement of getting affection from close persons, social people, friends and relatives. Social needs are related to getting socially importance from the people and crave for social recognition.

  1. Esteem: require for the inner admiration including dignity, accomplishment, reputation, identification, focus, appreciation, power, etc. people want success in life. They love to achieve something and let people know about their achievement and get praise from them.
  2. Self-actualization: requirement of obtaining one’s opportunities as well as self-fulfillment Self-actualization is the highest needs in Maslow’s hierarchy.

3.1. Analyze a manager’s responsibilities for planning, coordinating and controlling work

A managers need to perform responsibilities on the basis of planning, co-coordinating and controlling work procedure.

Planning: It’s the process of establishing the goals as well as methods to get them done. It is the primary process where people draw an outline for doing any job or work done. Planning help the manager to think about main plan and the alternatives of it. So that if main plan does not work people can go for a backup plan and start with new enthusiasm.

Co-coordinating: It’s mixture of each progression to carry out an assignment methodically. Co-ordination indicates the sync between the works and carry on the work from one phase to another. Without proper coordination a work cannot be done properly. Co-ordination ensures they link and connection among the works and makes them work together.

Controlling: Controlling is just observing the process as well as delivering assistance if required It refers to the overall process of taking care of the work to ensures the quality and make sure the work is getting done according to the plan.

3.2. Explain how managers ensure that team objectives are met

A manager needs to ensure that the team objectives are met so he might guarantee that the process of the work is carried out correctly. The business or manager is able to choose the best individual. By providing appropriate guidance to the employees and subordinates in the right direction is very important task of the manager. Through establishing secured timescale and giving instructions the manager need to assist the co-workers and subordinates. He needs to ensure their performance by helping them in difficulties and motivate the team and getting them to done the work efficiently. He also need to use his knowledge, skill, experience and expertise wherever and whenever necessary.

3.3. Explain how a manager’s role contributes to the achievement of an organization’s vision, mission and objectives

A manager’s role can contributes to the achievement of an organization’s vision, mission and objectives in various ways. There are some ways to help them to attain their goals and they are- linking the group with a larger desire. Through taking off obstacles for all the workers need to smooth their working ways. The manager needs to solve their problems. Growing responsibilities in every stage of the working process make the manager links the work with organizational mission, vision and objectives and guide the employees according to them. Ensure organizational achievement is the prime responsibility of the manager.

3.4. Analyze theories and models of management

Management is the task of managing the resources of the organization to get in to goal. Resources can be human to tangible material assets. Utilization of such resources is the task of management. Manager needs some basic skills like experience, expertise in his area of knowledge, intelligence, cleverness, credibility, respectability to accomplish the organizational objectives.

Contingency Theory: A contingency theory is an organizational theory give best way to organize a corporation or lead a company or take decisions. It depends on the optimal course of action and planning the internal and external situation of an organization.

Systems Theory: Systems theory is the interdisciplinary study of systems to discover patterns and principles that can be used in all types of systems and all fields of research. System theory is very flexible and best theory to analyze the management efficiency and effectiveness.

Theory X and Theory Y: McGregor’s ideas suggest two fundamental approaches to managing people. Many managers tend towards theory x, and generally get poor results. Enlightened managers use theory y, which produces better performance and results, and allows people to grow and develop.

3.5. Explain how the application of management theories guide a manager’s actions

Theories are developed on the basis of typical outcomes from certain actions. According to the fiedler’s contingency model, manager need to develop hypothesis and apply to different business situation. The experiment of hypothesis will help manager to build a working framework to accomplish target for his company. To acknowledge enterprise model properly is very important for any organization. To identify the solution for almost any situation and implement as soon as possible is necessary. A quick improved decision making can help the employees in a large scale. To consider the best option of the available options is the best lesson which can be learned from the management theories and manager can use them in their regular worklife.

3.6. Explain the operational constraints imposed by budgets

Budgets are important source of business organization as it’s widely used in business operation and operating any business works.  Budget is an elementary concept of earnings as well as spending for the specific period of time. Budget need to be set before any implementation of the plan. Because without budget planning, there can be wastage of money. Without the budgeting support it is impossible to fulfill targets and do the works of the organizations.  So before starting any work it is helpful calculate the budget and use them efficiently in each and every sphere wherever necessary. An operating budget is required to run the daily operations of business. Operating budget enables to do all the necessary jobs need to done day by day. But it also creates limitations for the business and the society as the operational constraints imposed by budget are many. Inaccurate or unreasonable assumptions can quickly make a budget decisions unrealistic and unreliable. Budgeting creation is a time consuming process for large business which can lead the business to make long term decision impossible and decrease the work and projects of the organization. A static budget is a predetermined spending plan that continues to be unaltered if there’s zero transformation in the sales revenue. If mangers concern, careful and focused about budget issues by setting and evaluating budgets problems it is can create mess for the organization. Budgets can decrease the short term a decision making process slow rather than the long term decision which exceeds the budget constraints.

4.1. Explain the relationship between business objectives and performance measures

There is a close relationship between business objectives and performance measurement. They are reliably interconnected with each other. They have impact on the business destinations as well as performance. Because once the company destinations are modified, the associates will continue to work hard to reach consumers. On the other hand, when the executions of employees are wonderful business objectives will likely be carried out. A remarkably frequent business objective is obtaining advantage. It might be assessed through increasing annual salary. It may be determined exactly how much the annual pay is actually increasing or downsizing. Business objectives and performance measurement together set the quality of the business improvement. Performance measurement need to be connected with the objectives of the organization for getting a good result and improve the performance of the employees.

4.2. Explain the features of a performance measurement system

Performance measurement might be simple measurement or composite. The challenge for organizations today is how to match and align performance measurement with business strategy, structures and corporate culture. The performance measurement system should be linked with the organizational vision. The measurement system should be balanced with financial and non-financial information. It is should be a mix of outcome and processed data. The measurement must be based on various operational information and their uses. The measurement system should be interrelated. It also need to relevant, logical, informative and dynamic. It has to have the capabilities of measuring performance properly.

4.3. Explain how to set key performance indicators (KPIs)

Key performance indicator is popular and well known in each and every organization to measure the performance of the employees and improve the performance according to the measurement. It exists for the essential execution indicator. It’s employed to measure those factors that are critical for the achievement of a typical organization. To set the key performance indicator following method is used:

Choosing a KPI: For select KPI, a specific key work relevant with the company need to choose. The keyword needs to be relevant with the works and which will let the performance measurement to become easier and convenient. For example: KFC order taking and delivery process. The information of the number of calls handled each hour can be considered as its KPI.

Setting a Target: After setting the indicator to measure performance, the evaluation process will start. Manager needs to set benchmark performance measurement. Firstly organizations should work with industry benchmark if manager are not all are same then raise the measurement by a reasonable increment and gradually improve the target. The new goal must be easy to achieve by the employees. Set a specific date for employees’ measurement of performance and timeline should be fixed by which necessary improvements must take place. For KFC a KPI may be progressive deals which will likely measure the appropriateness of marketing team from the business.

4.4. Explain the tools, processes and timetable for monitoring and reporting on business performance

It is important to examine the performance of the employees. The used tools, processes and timetable maintain a significant role for the business performance indication. Employer and employees need to be careful about the tools, processes to done the job appropriately. Business performance tools are many and some of them are key performance indicators (KPIs), Performance appraisals, Mission and vision statements, Management dashboards etc.  All of them are important performance indicator of any organization. To examine the performance of Unilever employees the organization must consider the following factors. Obtaining comments from their customers base on the organizational improvement. They are able to provide a pamphlet to them. It tends to be followed for just two calendar months. Unilever can arrange intra business appraisal in which employees can give his or her judgment regarding each other. It takes 14 days. Since discounts as well as advantage are actually associated with performance the entity in question may take a feedback from their company background. It takes 8 weeks.

4.5. Explain the use of management accounts and management information systems in performance management

Management bookkeeping is the combination of accounting, finance as well as management that is anticipated to operate an organization successfully. Three instances are: It holds financial information. It provides quantifiable facts. It can be a reliable backing up of organization. Management accounts are used for those reasons. It is very beneficial and helpful for the organizational maintenance of budget management. Management accounting involves partnering in management decision making, planning and performance management systems. It provides expertise in financial reporting and control to assist management in the formulation and implementation of an organizational strategy. This is concerned with the provisions and use of accounting information to managers within organizations. Management accounting provides the basis to make business decisions which will allow the organization to be better equipped in their management and control functions.

On the other hand management information system is used for collecting, retrieving and using information of the employees for their betterment and improvement in the organization. It also helpful for the organizations to improve their employees and help the organization to collect all the information and find it whenever necessary.

4.6 Explain the distinction between outcomes and outputs.

Outcome and output are different from each other in various perspectives. Outputs are the results we achieve immediately after doing any activities. Outcomes are known as mid-term result of any activities. Outcomes are received at the end of the project and outputs are received at the beginning of any project. Outcome refers to a quantity which takes place as a consequence of something and output means amount which is generated by an individual, or perhaps a business. For example McDonald’s run a small workshop for their employees training and they start to use their knowledge for their works that’s call output. The training will be successful if they can use the training properly that’s called outcome.

Written by

Md. Shadequr Rahaman

Email: [email protected]

Evaluate the Suitability and Impact of Different Leadership Styles

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