Situated Learning Theory

Situated learning theory

Situated learning theory

Situated learning theory by the means of the Organizational learning and information creation are one of the drivers of organizational change. Therefore, the ideas of arranged learning and networks of training could reveal some insight into how and why hierarchical changes unfurl. For instance, the arranged learning hypothesis and the idea of networks of training could help look at the effect of changing social relations on commencement of base up changes and institution of best down arranged changes. There are many investigations of arranged organizational change, which depend on the supposition that change is a ceaseless procedure and in this way every execution of an action in a specific work setting is an event for change. (Billett, 1996)Be that as it may, these situated learning have suggested however have not expressly utilized the network of training structure. Some past investigations contended that networks of practices can propel business development. In any case, as a rule the investigations of the connection between arranged learning and developing practices stay rare. Fox called attention to that “network of training hypothesis inform nothing concerning how, practically speaking, individuals from a network change their practices and enhance”, while “feeble investigation of development offered by network of training origination”. (Weckowska, 2012)

In situated learning theory, the employee learns through connections inside the network of training. The investigation of work exercises and information sharing examples among commercialization staff showed that the three and the head of lawful administrations shape a network of training. As a gathering they show four principles normal for a network of training recognized: common commitment in practice, transaction of joint work exercises, shared collection of training and shared history of learning. The investigation of work exercises and information sharing examples among commercialization staff showed that there are two covering networks of training. Some business improvement chiefs, promoting director, authorizing supervisors, and senior commercialization administrator shape a network of training. (Stephen, 1994)

The arranged hypothesis of learning enables representatives of an association to take in their errands in certifiable circumstances in which they mingle and communicate with different students. Arranged learning enables representatives to take in their undertakings through genuine applications which upgrades their preparation encounter as well as inspires them to feel more energized and intrigued about their work. Employee Developments a training that consolidates preparing, hierarchical advancement, and profession advancement endeavors to energize enhancement of individual, gathering, and authoritative execution. Its motivation is to upgrade worker execution and efficiency, which prompts representative and consumer loyalty and an expansion in the benefit of the association. HRD is exceptionally crucial for the accomplishment of an association. HRD thinks about the destinations and objectives of the business. (Lave, 1991)Employee development can be accomplished through executing the best learning speculations to upgrade the abilities and gifts of an association’s workers. It is especially essential for all associations and chiefs to perceive the way that the profoundly aggressive business condition of the present world basically centers upon the proficient utilization of its HR through preparing and advancement so they can deliver the most extreme in a given measure of time. In this manner, associations ought to plainly comprehend that their endeavors should be focused on accomplishing the best from their employee. Human resources allude to the people inside the association who make a gainful commitment to getting the association’s goal(s). Situated learning is contained worker preparing for employee development, learning and training of practical things. Representatives who have obtained far reaching preparing, learning and advancement training are the most proficient and successful representatives to work in the present very focused business condition. HRD cultivates the aptitudes of representatives so they can give most extreme efficiency to the association for which they work. (Hardless, 2005). Additionally, situated learning is strongly dependent on collaborative activities. Students collaborate and share their ideas with their peers. Each individual will contribute distinct past knowledge to the scenario and will be encouraged to question others’ perspectives. All skills and exercises will be applicable to real-world problems encountered in the job, at home, or in the community.

Situated learning theory

Background of situated learning theory

Paul Duguid, John Seely Brown, and Allan Collins pioneered the use of situated learning, also known as situated cognition, as an educational methodology. Their study, “Situated Cognition and the Learning Culture,” challenged the separation of knowledge and practice. Situated learning is founded on concepts drawn from a variety of disciplines, including psychology, sociology, cognitive science, and anthropology. Duguid, Brown, and Collins took issue with public schools’ treatment of knowledge as a “integral, self-contained entity that is theoretically independent of the contexts in which it is acquired and employed.”
These learning exchanges cannot take place in an abstract manner. The notion of situated cognition highlights the importance of cognitive apprentices learning from experts. In their article Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation, Lave and Wenger examined how apprentices develop into trusted community members. Apprentices acquire information via encounters with subject-matter experts. Situated learning exposes students to real-world problem-solving situations.

So, Situational learning theory is diametrically opposed to conventional learning theory. To begin, conventional teachings teach concepts via abstract experiences such as textbooks and lectures. Situated learning happens within the experience’s context. Second, conventional classes are entirely focused on the student-instructor connection. Situational learning puts a premium on connections and interactions with people as a means of acquiring knowledge. Students acquire information through drawing links to past knowledge. Thirdly, situational learning serves to build an individual’s function within a larger community. As a student develops expertise in a particular subject, they have the ability to cooperate with others and take a more active position in their society. They are then able to share their knowledge with one another, and the cycle continues. In classical learning models, there is no such cycle or meaningful function.


Billett, S., 1996. Situated learning theory: bridging sociocultural and cognitive theorising. Learning and Instructions, 6(2), pp. 263-280.

Hardless, C. B., 2005. A Situated Learning Design Framework for Competence Development Systems. College of United Arab Emirates , 2(1), pp. 01-25.

Lave, J. &. W. E., 1991. Situated learning – legitimate peripheral participation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Stephen, 1994. Situated Learning: A Workplace Experience. Australian Journal of Adult and Community Education, 34(2), pp. 112-130.


Written by

Md. Shadequr Rahaman

Email: [email protected]

Situated Learning Theory

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