Implications of Business Ethics

Implications of Business Ethics in Different Areas of Activities

Behind every business, there is a common aim which is to do something for society. This aim can be fulfilled by the social implication of business ethics. Marks and Spencer have been worked for people from 1884 and they achieve people’s trust by their ethical business activities (Trevino and Weaver, 1994). There is an impact on society and social people of the implications of business ethics by Marks and Spencer. These ethics also affect the social fabric community as well as the well-being of individuals and clusters of people. Here are presenting those ethical factors which affect social correspondent.

Implications of Business Ethics in Different Areas of ActivitiesEthics in Finance

Finance is one of the important parts of the business. Every business has to do transfer their finance regularly with external stakeholders. In finance, ethics means to focus on economic value as well as on values in relevant actions. Influential and managers in finance need to elegant a deep understanding of sensible and therefore official restrictions to align their business on ethical phases (Trevino and Weaver, 1994). In the time of dealing with finance, there are several scopes to do unethical behaviors by employees. But in Marks and Spencer, there is a department to maintain financial activities without doing any unethical work. They are very concern about ethics. Doing unethical activities in finance is mostly like doing corruption. To prevent unethical activities in the finance sector they are very concern about their annual financial report where all the trading and transaction activities are recorded.

Ethics in HRM

In any organization, human resources is a very crucial part. To manage properly the human resource is a challenging job. Human Resource Management (HRM) department doing one of the toughest jobs in any organization. HRM department works for recruiting people, managing them, training them sometimes firing someone for various reasons. In the recruitment process sometimes an employer is made an unethical job for their personal benefit. So in Human Resource Management, ethics should be established and maintain to select and recruit the right people. If there is an ethics code, the job section would be on a merit basis rather than on the basis of race, nationality, gender or other unfair issues (Vogel, 1991). In this case Marks and Spencer always keeps the HRM ethics to ensure the recruitment process as fair and free. They recruit new employees with formal recruitment circulation like an advertisement for society.

Ethics in Production

In any business operation, production is an essential part that should follow the ethics code. Marks and Spencer is very strict in that case. That’s why the can hold a huge market share from the very beginning of their journey till now. In production matter Marks and Spencer maintain the Animal act 1989 as well as other production-related legal acts. They always concern about social welfare and people’s interest. They target people through advertisements and other promotion-related activities (Vogel, 1991). They are very concern about their product quality as well as maintain all ethical codes to replace the product in a specific period at a specific time.

Ethical Issues a Business Needs to Consider in Its Operational Activities

There are some ethical issues that should be considered in the operational activities of the organization. The organization must concern the social and environmental factors that are not disordered by their production activities. Ethical issues are maintained not to do any pollution and give a safe environment (Vogel, 1991). In the past, local people sometimes have complained about the different organizations because of their sound pollution or smell pollution and so no. In this regard Marks and Spencer do not get any complaints.

Marks and Spencer have been operating so many years and it always follows the ethical concerns generated by the UK parliament. To maintain the ethical codes is not so easy. There are two different ethical factors that hold to ethical questions facing different groups.

To establish any type of business organization, the employer should concern about the environment. They should be a concern not to break the social and natural ecological systems.

Local communities and human rights

Before doing any business, the organization should know about human rights codes. Marks and Spencer produce different types of products. In the production process, they are much concern about local communities’ safety. Besides, they have a long history of respecting human rights in the UK and they have always stood up for those morals internationally (, 2017). For transportation purposes, they use Lorries and vans which are not harmful to the communities. They strictly follow all the rules and regulations provided by the UK government in the whole process of their business operation.

I would like to mention that all their transportation activities are held once or twice a week and the drivers of Lorries and vans drive slowly not to do any sound.

National communities and save the forest

Marks and Spencer always try to do something good for the national communities and to save the forest. They always make sure that the wastage of their factory does not harm the environment. They control all unethical such as unstructured sanitation, lack of wastage maintenance, etc. (, 2017). Unethical activities destroy the ecological balance of the communities. Those are also harmful to the forest.

To save the forest and national communities’ government should take proper steps and build more rules and regulations and strictly imposed them on the organizations.

Written by

Md. Shadequr Rahaman

Email: [email protected]

Implications of Business Ethics

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