Innovation Management System

Innovation Management System

Definition of Innovation Management

Innovation management is the process of managing, and changing the management by the way of developing as well as utilizing the full length of deployment in the version of coherent business product, business process, and organizational innovation. Innovation management System that gives the opportunity to the managers, architectures, entrepreneurs, and engineers to cooperate with a common form of application including the determination of processes and goals at the moment when the goals could be achieved by the means of proper utilization of the innovation process. Innovation management System is the combination of all kind of tools and mechanism which gives the opportunity to the organizational decision makers to respond for taking the opportunities of the external and internal mechanism as to grow as well as expand the business for the long run, and but the use of innovation management creativity helps to introduce new ideas, views, thoughts for the development of new processes or products. But innovation management System does not mean the field of research and development moreover it is the level of taking the opportunities for designing as well as collaborating with the external and internal system which lead to contributing to the development of product, manufacturing, marketing and distributing as well as advertising the product.

While go for utilizing the innovation management tools and techniques to draw a mechanism, management have the capabilities for the purpose of getting the raw fact of combining the factual aspect in the development issue of the work force for the advancement of a company at which it will be beneficiary for all. The common tools of innovation management is brainstorming where the group discussion play a vital role to solve the problem, even the use of virtual prototyping helps to draw a guideline to work with the raising issue to work on it, the establishment of product lifecycle management where all the stages will overview the problems as well as the way to solve it, the ability of idea management to draw a immediate idea by which a new idea will be generated, the concept of project management that helps to make the scenario analysis, product line planning and portfolio management who deals with the company’s stock where all these tools and techniques have its own features that can be utilized in the use of specific purpose.

Innovation processes has the field of pushed or pulled mechanism through development because it is true that the pushed process is the use of on existing or newly invented technology at the stage of beginning just raw fact of technology which will create the more environment new where organization has access to the new innovations and the application of it will be more profitable if it could be properly utilized, and tries to find the right track for the purpose of developing profitable applications for.

Rather there is an another process that is a pulled process  which can be used for some focused  areas where customers needs are not fulfilled, they find out where customer are not satisfied as because the full business concept is designed for customer satisfaction, and after finding out the problem should go for solutions to those needs fulfillment as it will be a terrific job to achieve the customer satisfaction by creating multi-functional development teams and condition in response to the area of designing in the centre of development as well as the dimensions to be solved.

Innovation Management System

Environment need for innovation

The life of a product or procedure innovation will determine the need the of the specific product and process as it will be possible to manage the elements of innovation process along with best required practices in the environmental need of the best requirement where the best can be aware of them and, when a need a full length innovation need is detected, take appropriate action.

Market Innovation

Identifying market innovation opportunities for the development of the market as to combining the tools and techniques of the innovation management for the deployment of the process in the right balance between competitive trends and market influencers as they will be the part of innovation utilization for fulfilling consumer needs as well as brands need to understand how to connect new products or services with consumer lives to make the market innovation successful.

Types and Patterns of Innovation Management System

Technology trajectory

It is the path of a technology to determine the improvement of the cycle of performance regarding the use of the system methodology with its diffusion rate, or the basic improvement in the field of other changes to the system methodology along with the interest to the deployment of successful innovation along with the technological innovation.

Product innovations

It is the path of a product goods or services to determine the improvement of the level of performance regarding the use of the system methodology with its diffusion rate, or the basic improvement in the field of other changes to the system methodology along with the interest to the deployment of successful innovation along with the new product innovation for goods and services.

Process innovations

It is the path of a process to determine the performance improvement, its rate of diffusion, or other change of interest to the deployment of successful innovation along with the process innovation with the way of an organization conducts of its business practices in the techniques of producing or marketing goods or services.

Radical innovation

It is the path of a radiation to determine the improvement of performance regarding the use of the system methodology with its diffusion rate, or the basic improvement in the field of other changes to the system methodology along with the interest to the deployment of successful innovation along with the radical innovation that is very new and different from prior solutions to make the advancement of the full length radical changes where the incremental innovation will change from existing practices.

Incremental innovation

It is the path of an incremental approach to determine the improvement as well as development in the level of performance regarding the use of the system methodology with its diffusion rate, or the basic improvement in the field of other changes to the system methodology along with the interest to the deployment of successful innovation along with the incremental innovation for making the relative minor change from existing practices.

Component innovation

It is the path of a component to determine the improvement of performance by the use of different component regarding the use of the system methodology with its diffusion rate, or the basic improvement in the field of other changes to the system methodology along with the interest to the deployment of successful innovation along with the component innovation to one or more components that does not affect the overall configuration of the system.

Architectural innovation

It is the path of a architect to determine the improvement of the cycle of performance regarding the use of the system methodology with its diffusion rate, or the basic improvement in the field of other changes to the system methodology along with the interest to the deployment of successful innovation along with the architectural innovation that changes the overall design of a system to interact with each other.

Discontinuous technology

It is the path of a discontinuous technology to determine the performance improvement along with the estimation of diffusion rate, or other changes in the field of technological innovation that fulfills a similar market need by building new knowledge base technological support.

S-Curves as a prescriptive tool

It is the path a tools and techniques to determine the improvement of the cycle of performance regarding the use of the system methodology with its diffusion rate, or the basic improvement in the field of other changes to the system methodology along with the interest to the deployment of successful innovation along with the tools innovation of S curve model that is used as a tool for predicting the future when a technology will reach its limits and when the firm should move to a new, more radical technology with the better development of service to reduce the limitations of it.

Organizing Innovation Management System

At the time of organizing innovation the use of management tools and techniques as well as the mechanism, the aspect of innovation with the details support of management for organizing innovation and having the opportunity for deploying the creative capabilities in the practical point of view for the purpose of getting the raw fact of combining the factual aspect in the development issue of the work force for the continuous development of a company at which it will be beneficiary for all. The common tools of innovation management is to arranging the facility of group discussion as the form brainstorming with the vital role of virtual prototyping for drawing the organizing structure the establishment of product lifecycle management where all the stages will overview the problems as well as the way to solve it, the ability of idea management to draw a immediate idea by which a new idea will be generated, the concept of project management that helps to make the scenario analysis, product line planning and portfolio management who deals with the company’s stock where all these tools and techniques have its own features that can be utilized in the use of specific purpose.

Collaboration pattern of Innovation Management System

The first pattern is to utilizing the optimization of pricing drives that has the normal effect on the increase or decrease of pricing phenomenon. The second pattern is digitalization of the system. The third pattern is combining all the data sources in one point. The fourth pattern data sharing as because the company knows information is the most highly priced as well as valuable to another company sells it. The fifth pattern is using cloud computing.

Innovation Strategy

The strategy in regards to technology is to know the ability to use the technology for which it will be used and evaluating the performance on the use of its technology how better the technology is collaborating with the manpower and the system of working, estimating the rate of performance evaluation to identify the standard of technology innovation with diffusion rate and resolving other change of interest in innovation along with the technological innovation.

The strategy in regards to product goods or services is to evaluating the performance of production in response to the product quality and finding out the deviation in the product quality by use of the system methodology with its diffusion rate, or the basic improvement in the field of other changes to the system methodology along with along with the new product innovation for goods and services.

The strategy in regards to a process is to evaluating the improvement of the cycle of performance regarding the use of the system methodology with its diffusion rate, or the basic improvement in the field of other changes to the system methodology along with the process innovation with the way of an organization conducts of its business practices in the techniques of producing or marketing goods or services.

The strategy in regards to a radiation is to evaluating the innovation methodology to make successful innovation along with the radical innovation and set a radical standard in full length radical changes where the incremental innovation will change from existing practices.

The strategy in regards to an incremental approach is to evaluating the execution of the system mechanism and implementing the increment of the system and then evaluating the performance with diffusion rate and finding out the other change of interest along with the incremental innovation for making the relative minor change from existing practices.

The strategy in regards to a component is to evaluating the improvement of performance regarding the use of the system methodology with its diffusion rate, or the basic improvement in the field of other changes to the system methodology along with system.

The strategy in regards to an architect is to the evaluating improvement of service performance where architectural performance will be up to the mark regarding the use of the system methodology with its diffusion rate, or the basic improvement in the field of other changes to the system methodology with the architectural innovation that changes the overall design of a system to interact with each other.

The strategy in regards to a discontinuous technology is to evaluating the improvement of the performance regarding the use of the system methodology with its diffusion rate, or the basic improvement in the field of other changes to the system methodology with the technological innovation that fulfills a similar market need by building new knowledge base technological support.

Innovation Management System Model

S-Curves model

It is the model used as a tools and techniques to determine the improvement of the cycle of performance regarding the use of the system methodology with its diffusion rate, or the basic improvement in the field of other changes to the system methodology along with the interest to the deployment of successful innovation along with the tools innovation of S curve model that is used as a tool for predicting the future when a technology will reach its limits and when the firm should move to a new, more radical technology with the better development of service to reduce the limitations of it.

Product process cycle model

The model product goods or services to processing and progressing the improvement of the cycle of performance regarding the use of the system methodology with its diffusion rate, or the basic improvement in the field of other changes to the system methodology along with the interest to the deployment of successful innovation along with the tools innovation of S curve model that is used as a tool for predicting the future when a technology will reach its limits and when the firm should move to a new, more radical technology with the better development of service to reduce the limitations with the process of conducting its business practices in the techniques of producing or marketing goods or services.

Inter firm collaboration for Innovation

The collaboration between the firm to the deployment of successful innovation along with the technology innovation to the field of inter firm that has the valuation in the architectural innovation and infrastructure development if need making the changes the overall design of a system to interact with each other as well as along with the technological innovation that fulfills a similar market need by building new knowledge base technological support.

Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship

Innovation and entrepreneurship allows the users to cooperate with the processes of the system and setting the goals at the moment when the goals could be achieved by the means of proper utilization of the innovation process. Innovation management System is the combination of all kind of tools and mechanism which allows the organization for the long run to grab the opportunities , and but the use of  innovation management creativity helps to introduce new ideas, views, thoughts for the development of new processes or products. But innovation management system does not mean to research and development. The common tools of innovation management system are brainstorming as the part of group discussion that has its own features that can be utilized in the use of specific purpose.  Innovation and entrepreneurship processes has the pushed process a pulled process  which can be used for finding areas where customers needs are not met that means the find out where customer are not satisfied as because the full business concept is designed for customer satisfaction, and after finding out the problem should go for solutions to those needs fulfillment as it will be a terrific job to achieve the customer satisfaction by creating multi-functional development teams and condition in response to the area of designing in the centre of development as well as the dimensions to be solved.

Protecting and capturing value for innovation

Protecting and capturing the market innovation opportunities for the development of the market as to combining the tools and techniques of the innovation management for the deployment of the process in the right balance between competitive trends and market influencers as they will be the part of innovation utilization for fulfilling consumer needs as well as brands need. The protection and determination to capture the deployment of successful innovation along with the component innovation to one or more components as well as along with the architectural innovation and the technological innovation that fulfills the environmental need of innovation in the field of different areas for the protection and valuation for innovation.


Here the CREATE is for Collaborative Research and Emerging Technologies, with the dimension of SWIFT as Super fast Wifi In Carriage for Future Travel, where all the below strategies will be evolved in the manner of the strategy of a technology, the strategy of a product goods or services, the strategy of a process, the strategy of a radiation, the strategy of an incremental approach, the strategy of a component, the strategy of an architect, the strategy of a discontinuous technology and all these above technologies are deeping with the phenomenon of CISCO CREATE where it must have the positive impact on the above innovation strategy for the development as well as improvement in the whole innovation for the supporting system in the changes to the deployment of successful innovation along with the technological innovation that fulfills a similar market need by building new knowledge base technological support. And of course, it be a great turn to be benefitted from the innovation of different ideas, views, thoughts and even the technology.

Written by

Md. Shadequr Rahaman

Email: [email protected]

Innovation Management System

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