Task 1 – Organizational Change Management and Major Fundamental Shift in the Nature of Organizational Change
The study of Organizational Change Management, Major Fundamental Shift in the Nature of Organizational Change and the areas of organizational change is imperative to to discuss.
This bureaucracy is “normal” in response to the service of prominent classes such as public affairs management in a regime that is always supposed to take care of its condition because this is not just a part of the class, when a social power balance allows it to sustain some of its advantages, thus getting autonomy. Power settings are always determined by social communication configurations. In the short run, the bureaucracy with aspect to the special authority in society for its function is that it supports its structure and structure, which means that the disappearance of the late bourgeois domination. Since this is not the key to social disintegration, its role in society is defined as a true historical agent. This requires changing the theory of its role in the bureaucracy, economics and culture, and now life is perceived as a layer that can represent the traditions of these bourgeois, thus exclusive powers. (Clegg, 2012)
The work structure, work process, work content has changed in the current world. Now the job is for organizational change management:
- The nature of the work is more complicated.
- The nature of the work and employee is more teams oriented.
- The nature of the work and employee relies heavily on social skills.
- The nature of the work and employee depends heavily on technical capabilities.
- The natures of the work and employee have to face more time pressure.
- The mobile phones are more and less geographically dependent.
In today’s world, organization work and organizational change management is different because of competition and technology pressure. Today’s organizations are:
- It’s more beautiful and more flexible
- Focus on pricing from customer perspective
- Demand, challenges and strategies are intensifying
- Hierarchical structure, less and body decision
- Is unlikely to have future oriented careers and job security
- Always be redesigned to have or get more competitive advantage.
There are too many key drivers to change the nature of work and organizational change management. While more and more factors have contributed in response to change in the model of work, its theoretical theories point out two important issues:
There are increasing pressures on the organization to be more flexible, competitive and customer-centric to be like a “lean enterprise”. In addition to, innovation and communication in information technology, more especially the technology of Internet and the technology advancement thus all these fact allows different kinds of work is response to time and place work separation.
Major fundamental shift in the nature of Organizational Change Management
Lowering the hierarchy structure – Complex hierarchy and can not meet rapidly changing market demand, such as pressure for reduction and creativity when cycles continue. The hierarchy has been replaced by a coalition of smaller organizations and decentralized solutions. (Heerwagen, 2016)
Blurred boundaries – As organizations increasingly flourish, the boundaries will begin to be fragmented as various departments of the organization must perform work together functionally more effectively. The boundaries between the types of jobs (managers, experts and technicians) and the departments are more free and there is more demand for sharing work and knowledge. (Heerwagen, 2016)
Groups like building blocks – Changes to co-ordination are the result of rapid pressures, making decisions, reducing inefficiencies and continuous improvement of business progress and processes. (Heerwagen, 2016)
New management perspective – There are so many workers can no longer associated with the law and order, but must have the goals and mission of the organization. Dirty contamination also affects the organization’s role. Here employers gain power and freedom of decision, as well as in management. (Heerwagen, 2016)
Continuing Change – There is an exception by organization to continue the cycle of restructuring and reflection. However, the change could be small and large. It is likely to be eliminated during a period of stability. (Heerwagen, 2016)
Organizations are expected to continue the cycle of reflection and restructuring. However, the changes can be large and small and will likely be eliminated during stability. (Heerwagen, 2016)
Jobs for individuals and groups change by the way of-
There have been too many changes and new patterns of work have emerged in response to the use of new technologies and in response to the new modeling of the organization. There was shiftiest in the following areas: (John, 2016)
- Capacity of understanding increase leads to shift in the nature of organisations
- Social Capability and Interaction increase leads to shift in the nature of organisations
- Knowledge base taskforce
Capacity of understanding
Workers and cognition are expected to be more productive and acceptable and capable of working in a variety of tasks and situations. The wider scope of work that has been made by changing organizational structures creates new requirements, including: (John, 2016)
The more complexity of work – It is very required to know more not only the job duties but also very required to work with others as a group or team. Moreover, it is very required to have analytical skill, conceptual skill, practical skill and judgment skills to perform innovative and new work with some rules and structuring. Although the need for higher understanding is of particular importance in the areas of technical work and management, for the task dealing with administrative tasks require and have the decision making skill.
Continued improvement of capacity – workers have to keep their knowledge of technology retained until the end, they must continue to study in their area of knowledge and to be familiar with this business strategy. Time for reading and attending is not just a requirement for many but it is important for all workers.
Knowledgebase taskforce
The criteria of development access to information has made the area of taskforce easier and harder. This convenience comes from the ability to quickly find and download information from other websites. This difficulty comes with a need for timely use and insight into new information.
Social Capability and Interaction Good social skills to:
Teamwork and Collaboration – Skills for resolving conflicts and negotiation are essential for collaboration. Conflicts often arise about the purpose of the group, working methods, tasks, tasks and recognitions. Disputed and skilled negotiation team members are well-prepared to work openly with issues of hearing and understanding of different issues and solving problems in mutual benefits. (Lundholm, 2012)
Communication and network development – Sharing fulfills the intended commitment, and development of confidence. Workers are committed to achieving mutual goals, committed to help each other on own will through willingness and difficulties s to share and create new ideas. (Lundholm, 2012)
Learning and Growth – Learn through formal learning is based on problem solving, understanding, learning and sharing errors, and close collaboration to help provide quiet knowledge. The training was also created by the relationship between newcomers and those with organizational experience and knowledge. (Lundholm, 2012)
Task 2 – Organizational Change Management and Areas of Organizational Change
The change of arrangement occurs when the company moves from its present state to the desired future state. The organizational change management or the management of the organization’s transformation is the planning and transformation process of the organization in implementing ways such as to reduce employee struggles. In response to the current business competition is the big fact. Factors such as market globalization and emerging technologies force business to react. Such changes may be small or very large in the overall marketing tactics of combating hostile occupation or conversion of the company in the face of constant foreign competition. (Castells, 2010)
The initiative for change often stems from the problems the company faces. In some cases, the company is exchanged under the influence of the first recognized leader of the Enlightenment, and then derives new opportunities in the mind of the organization or its circumstances. Some observers considered it a “gaps of practice”, whose control was prompted to close. (Heerwagen, 2016)
But the change of organization also has anti-conflict and organizers’ ideas. This failure can occur by the way the change is displayed, declared and implemented, or because internal resistance is being constructed. In other words, employees destroy a plan of change that they consider to be incompatible with own interests of them. (Heerwagen, 2016)
Main areas of organizational change
The first area, strategic changes can take place in large scale – for example, when a company changes its resources to enter a new business – or small scale – for example, when a company improves its performance to reduce costs. There are three main stages that a company can make strategic changes: 1) To understand that the present strategy is not suitable for the company’s position. 2) To establish a vision for the company’s future direction and 3) implement changes and create new systems for its support. (Castells, 2010)
Technology changes are a component of a larger strategic change, though they work to support it. Structural changes to operational changes or changes in management styles are also the great fact. For example, companies that want to implement more participant decisions may change their hierarchy structure. (John, 2016)
Changes in people may be needed due to other changes, or so that the company simply seeks sometimes to change attitudes and to the attitudes of the workers to increase their efficiency and to promote individual or group work. Almost always, human exchanges are one of the most difficult and important parts of the transition process in general. The organization’s science was created to address the changing needs of people in employment through techniques such as education and training, team building, and career planning. (John, 2016)
Sustainability of change
An administrator, who is trying to make changes, though small, should be expected in the organization. Resilience resistance is normal. People adhere to their habits and situations. Of course, management activity can decrease or increase resistance. People should be encouraged to turn away from old habits. This is done in a very short period of time, so that “controlled change” has characteristics of “natural change”. Besides the usual momentum of change organizations are raising concerns about the future. If futures change, it is perceived that the resistance is low. (Heerwagen, 2016)
Technical Provisions for Efficient Organizational Change Management
The change of management requires the effective transfer of the organization from its present state to the desirable state in the future, with little money for the organization. The key steps in this process are:
- Understanding the current situation of the organization includes determining the importance of each of them, identifying the problems the company faces and assessing the type of change that is needed to address them.(Grey, 2017)
- Qualified presentations and commitment of the organization’s desired future situation includes a good illustration of the company after the change, sending it clearly to all participants in the effort to change and prepare the way for changes to the new state. The key part of the change must be some stability. Certain things, such as corporate missions or key personnel, must remain in the midst of unrest to reduce the concerns of people.(Grey, 2017)
- Make system changes include effective control of changes. It can be useful to plan resources allocation and identify key people to be responsible for the transition process. Corporate leaders should try to create a thrill for change by sharing their goals and vision and acting as role models. (Grey, 2017)
- This change is natural, of course as the Managing Active Changes to Optimize Future Coordination is always a more creative way to deal with a dynamic change of the industry than to turn it off. This process will improve better with the company’s human capital than none.(Grey, 2017)
Adoption of basic principles of fundamental shift in the nature of organisations have led to many variation or changes in response to the organization’s structure just because to increase the efficiency and this increase of efficiency is for the internal processes to eliminate waste and increase customer valuation. These variation s or changes are allowed and supported by changes in technology, communications and communication, especially Internet and computing devices and communications.
Technology changes are a component of a larger strategic change, though they work to support it. Structural changes to operational changes or changes in management styles are also the great fact. Human exchanges are one of the most difficult and important parts of the transition process in general.
Castells, M. (2010). The Rise of the Network Society: With a New Preface. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell .
Clegg, S. (2012). The End of Bureaucracy? In T. Diefenbach and R. Todnem (Eds), Reinventing Hierarchy and Bureaucracy – from the Bureau to Network Organizations. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.
Grey, C. (2017). A very short, fairly interesting and reasonab;y cheap book about studying . Emerald Publishing Limited: Bingley, UK.
Heerwagen, J. (2016). The Changing Nature of Organizations, Work, and Workplace. Journal of Organizational Management, 02-26.
John. (2016). Managing Organizational Change. Journal of Organizational Management, 02-12.
Lundholm, S. R. (2012). Understanding Hierarchy in Contemporary Work. In T. Diefenbach and R. Todnem (Eds), Reinventing Hierarchy and Bureaucracy – from the Bureau to Network Organizations. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.
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