Change Management Plan

Change Management Plan


Change Management is referred as the process of managing the changes in the business atmosphere by using different tools, methods and techniques. If we consider the change management in the area of Human Resource Management then it will be said that the change management is a structured form of approach through Change Management Plan in response to the transition or the development of a team, employees, individuals and broadly organization from current position to the desired improved position.

Change Management Plan

In Human Resource Management, the change management plan is a planned approach in where it is identified as well as analyzed in which area of Human Resource Management should be changed on priority basis. It will be very easy if the current industry practice can be reflected here. It is seen that HR policies of Manufacturing Industries are giving too much priorities to the change management in all areas it could be finance, management, marketing and more specifically HR department are more concerned about the change management in this industry. As a result they can provide a very nice communication as well as better employee relation in the organization.

Change Management Plan

Priorities for changes

Identify and analyze three priorities for change and Development

In the practice of Human Resource management, there are too many sections where the change management application should be applied to make the proper use of the HR policies.

  1. Reducing the Internal and external staff gap requirement

Employees are the main operator of the business. Without them a business could not run or operate appropriately. In an organization it is very required to have the proper set up of employees in every department. It could not be like that the one employee has to take the working pressure of other three. If it is happened that one employee is doing the job of other three because of lack of staff then it became difficult for the employees and as a result his designated tasks are being complex. Moreover, that employee must feel insecure as well as lost his motivation towards the works.

So, the priorities set by the approach of change management to reduce the problem of the internal and external staff gap requirement. It could be done with the approach of proper recruitment and selection. In that case they must have the plan program regarding the changes of the staff requirement and there must have the proper information in which department how nay numbers of staff are required.  They must have the plan of getting the backup staff when it is required if there are happened turnover. Staff turnover is also the problem in the current business world. Due to the huge turnover of staff, they face too many problems. Thus they must have the plan regarding the staff gap requirement. They have too many scope regarding the aspect of the change and Development in which the human resource can play the role to reduce the gap by the way of their change management plan because they must create the area of gap analysis of the staff requirement by the help of the management plan, they can give the recruitment notice and as they have the plan of which types of employees they are required and the task of the selection will be based on the progress of that task.

  1. Continuous training and development program

It is very required criteria to plan for the employees about their skill development. In that case they must have the continuous training and development program for the employees in which workshop employees will be trained on the specific areas in response to the business goal as the employees would be more effective, efficient as well as more productive for the business. On the other hand, without the program of training and development, skill cannot be developed because there are required to much technical as well as conceptual skill regarding the skill development and it would be more effective if they have the plan for the program and of course the program would be on continuous basis for the training and development.

So, the priorities set by the approach of the change management to have the continuous training and development program for the employees for the skill development. In the area of skill development, the change management must have the plan regarding the employees that how many employees will be participated in the specific training and development program and they must have the training schedule specifying the specific task that will be given during the training session. Under this program, the change management bodies those who are basically deal with the people management or human resource management they are keeping the proper monitor for making the program successful. They have too many scope regarding the aspect of the change and Development in which the human resource can play the role to increase the skill development by the way of their change management plan because they can create the area of development analysis of the skill requirement by the help of the management plan and they can give the training on the specific area of development as the employees could be made more competent for the organization.

  1. Building better employee relations

By the responsibilities of the human resource management there are too broad areas of building the better employee relation in an organization. And the priorities set by the human resource management in response to the purpose of the change management plan as they could be more special to the development of building better employee relations because it is the good perception for all the employees as if they can ensure the good employee relation with the each other and the top management to bottom management.  Thus it will be the matter of satisfaction for them. In organization, employees passed his or her maximum time of the day in the organization with their colleagues. So, human recourse management must play the role for employees to make them the feel that they are secured in the organization and they will get full support from anybody in the organization if they face any problem while dealing with any business correspondence.

So, the priorities set by the approach of the change management in response to the human resource management to build a better employee relation in the organization. In that case they have the plan for the mechanism of the relationship build up and of course find out the problem like if there is conflict available or not. So, in that response, they must have the plan of the change management to develop the relation by reducing the internal or external conflict. They will prepare the plan for the need of conflict management and they will minimize the conflict to build the better employee relation. If they have the plan to reduce the internal or external conflict, then they will be able to find out the issue for which the conflict is basically arise and then they will work on it and focus on that conflict issue and talk to the top management that the conflict may turn into a bad impact for the organization and it should be settled or minimized quickly. So, the change management plan has that area of concentration on which way the problem can be solved. So, if the conflict could be reduced by them, it would be easy to build better employee relation and it would be the matter of successful attempt by them. They have too much scope regarding the aspect of the change and development plan. They can play the role to increase the better employee relation by the concept of change management plan because they can create the area of development analysis to reduce the conflict by the help of the management plan> Moreover, they can give the suggestion on the specific area of development as the they could be made more competent for the organization.

Strategies, Approaches and Methods that will assist in the implementation of change management plan and Development for each of the three priorities

  1. Staff gap could be done with the approach of proper recruitment and selection. In that case they have to develop the plan program regarding the changes of the staff requirement and there must have the proper information in which department how nay numbers of staff are required.  They must have the plan of getting the backup staff when the organization needs staff due to staff turnover. They can reduce the problem of staff turnover by the help of using the change management plan. So, the better strategic plan should be taken by the HR in the change management plans and set the priority to reduce the requirement of the staff gap requirement.
  2. They must have the strategies regarding the employees how many employees will be participated in the specific training and development program and there must have the training schedule specifying the specific task that will be given and learning that will be given during the training session. Under this program, the change management bodies those who are basically deal with the people management or human resource management they will keep the proper monitor for the making of the program successful.
  3. They must have to develop a strategic plan for the mechanism of the relationship build up and or course find out the problem like if there is conflict available or not, so in that response, it must have the plan of the change management to develop the relation by reducing the internal or external conflict. Thus it may increase the need of the conflict management and it should be minimized by them to build the better employee relation. If they have the plan to reduce the internal or external conflict they will be able to find out the issue that for which the conflict is basically arise and then they will work on it and focus on that conflict issue and talk to the top management that the conflict may turn into a bad impact for the organization thus out should be settled or minimized. So, the change management plan has that area of concentration that to which way the problem can be solved. So, in that case, if the conflict could be reduced the matter of building better employee relation would be the matter of successful job of the plan.
  4. They must have to make the plan of getting the backup staff when the organization required if there are happened turnover. Staff turnover is also the problem in the current business world. Due to the huge turnover of staff, an organization faces too many problems. Thus issue also be planned in the change management plan, it is the priority if the change development plan under the requirement of the staff gap requirement.
  5. They must have to take the strategic action to reduce the internal or external conflict they will be able to find out the issue that for which the conflict is basically arise and then they will work on it and focus on that conflict issue and talk to the top management that the conflict may turn into a bad impact for the organization thus out should be settled or minimized. So, the change management plan has that area of concentration that to which way the problem can be solved.
  6. They must have to take the strategic action to develop the relation by reducing the internal or external conflict. Thus it may increase the need of the conflict management and it should be minimized by them to build the better employee relation. If they have the plan to reduce the internal or external conflict they will be able to find out the issue that for which the conflict is basically arise and then they will work on it and focus on that conflict issue and talk to the top management that the conflict may turn into a bad impact for the organization thus out should be settled or minimized.



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Written by

Md. Shadequr Rahaman

Email: [email protected]

Change Management Plan

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