Different Forms of Communications

The topic that will be covered in this report is about the interdepartmental cooperation within the organization, the barriers in communication that will be faced to simplify the interdepartmental cooperation and the strategy to overcome the barriers. It is expected to report different forms of communications that are used within the organization to facilitate interdepartmental cooperation along with the implication of those communications format. Moreover, it is expected to report principles and objectives behind the use of different forms of communication within the organization, to utilize the principles of those effective communications format to simplify interdepartmental cooperation and to evaluate the form of communication practices within the department of an organization.

Different Forms of Communications

This report will focus on providing some positive recommendations regarding the practice of different forms of communication within the organization to simplify interdepartmental cooperation to achieve the means of effective communication.

Different Forms of Communications

Literature Review

There are different kinds of communication that are used in an organization to facilitate interdepartmental cooperation. They are the use of emails, meeting face to face communication.


It is the form of written communication that is mostly used in organizational communication in the aspect of formal communication. It allows for having quick problems solving media and it is far streamlined in response to business communication. As a result, interdepartmental cooperation can accomplish in right to do the communication within the business. The bad aspect could be found that if the email is not checked at the right time by the receiver. If the email is not checked properly, then it may take more time to cooperate with each other in the organization to solve a problem in the situation of emergency. In that case, decision making will be taken more time if the receiver is unable to open the mail at the right time.


It is another form of communication that is called direct communication where employees of the organization sit together to share the problem, justification or the next road map of the working progress. The meeting is a process democracy in response to decision making where none will be blamed for the decision making because it is decided in the meeting in the table discussion with the management of the business organization. In the meeting, every matter of the business is discussed to take a better and improved decision as it would be useful for the long run of the business. The meeting is the form of participatory management communication system where every employee can share their ideas regarding the decision making progress for the business and it is highly appreciated when each employee is taking part to the decision making aspect or problem-solving aspect within the interdepartmental communication to increase the cooperation level among them. On the other hand, the bad aspect regarding the meeting is that it takes too much time that is very crucial for the aspect of time management. It is also very costly as it needs pre-preparation for its arrangement, decoration, cards invitation, transport allowances to attend the meetings, etc. Moreover, meetings required too many formalities regarding its arrangement, preparation like preparing Agenda for the meeting, it needs minutes for the meetings and those are very confidential. Sometimes, it becomes very difficult to make the decision as there are many people in the meeting of many minds and they are proposing different ideas from a different aspect.

Face to Face Communication

It is the common scenario in the interdepartmental communication and cooperation within the organization as employees within the organization can communicate very easily from one desk to another task when they required to discuss any issues, ideas, thoughts or when it is required to solve a problem or taking the decision in the case of emergency.  Face to face communication helps to read body language to communicate very easily and the aspect of facial expressions could be well known and understood while talking or discussing the problem or subject matter, and it is very easy to interpret signals of nonverbal communication while it is done Face to face communication. It is well for persuasion, decision-making, leadership, accountability, and to focus on the specific issues. The bad aspect of Face to face communication is that may create conflict among employees due to misinterpretation of the thought that is not relevant to the subject matter of the solving problem.

Telephone Communication

It is another form of communication and widely used in internal communication to simplify interdepartmental communication and cooperation. It is simply picking up the phone calls as well as calling the colleague for internal business communication to seek information from the colleagues, whether it can be useful to get or inform the key people of the organization to sit them together at a short notice. It gives every employee access to receive phone calls or do phone calls for internal communication to seek information for the working progress of the business or taking any important decision within a very short by the means of telephonic conversation wherever it is highly required. The telephonic conversation may help to solve critical problems in a real-time scenario and without any delay to ensure the smoothness of the business process. On the other hand, the bad aspect of telephonic communication has the limitation of the clear interpretation whereas if the receiver misinterprets the message, it will create difficulty in solving the problem rating creating a new problem. So, the clarification of the message from telephonic is must be needed to make the decision.

So, the principles of the above communication are that there must have the meaning of effective communication and each communication system must have clear meanings while communicating with each employee to others in the internal business communication to simplify the interdepartmental communication and cooperation. There must have clarity of the messages while using the communication system like email, meetings, face to face communication or telephonic conversation, if there is missing the clarity then it will not be a principle of effective communication. Similarly, it must have the attention of the sender and receiver, it must be avoiding un-vague words while communicating within the business communication, and it must be concise just to highlight the business talk or message in the business internal communication.

Analysis and Discussion

The implications of email communication are that to simplify the interdepartmental cooperation among the employees emailing could be the appropriate way for communication.

The way of communicating by the use of email is almost useful, which makes communications by the means of quickly dissemination information as well as it is providing the way of fast responses to the important inquiries for the internal communication within the business. It can help to achieve collaboration within departments of the hotel by the means of proper feedback for every email communication. Thus, the principles of effective communication will be ensured when email gave proper clarity, conciseness.

Again, the implications of meeting communication are that it is the way of cooperative communication that can help within the organization’s communication for cooperating with each employee to make the work done as an effective way because all the members, employees, managers, leaders sit together in the meeting. It can help to achieve collaboration within departments of the hotel by the means of proper participation of each member regarding sharing their views, ideas, information, thoughts in the meetings. Thus, the principles of effective communication will be ensured when meetings will be able to produce a better decision or solve the problem with the principle of attention from the members of the meetings.

Moreover, the implications of face to face communication is that it is more meaningful in building internal bossiness relationships among the employees and clients, it is much better for creating social opportunities to build a good relationship with coworkers and clients. It can help to achieve collaboration within departments of the hotel by the means of full support from the colleagues. Thus, the principles of effective communication will be ensured when the share of information has clarity.

Finally, the implication of telephonic communication is that the telephonic communication would be a perfect tool for increasing cooperation among the interdepartmental functions and cooperation that will be ensuring the smoothness of internal to share ideas, information instantly or to seek information at urgent issues and it may help to improve internal relationships. So, it plays the rule of better internal communication to do proper planning, working together and informing each other about business cases.

Personal Communication Evaluation

The strengths in communication are to speak in in right manner, there must have good presentation skill to present the ideas, it must have good listening skills to avoid the misstatements. Moreover, the writings should be error-free and focus on the subject line of the topics.

On the other hand, there are some weaknesses in communication. Shyness is the barrier to express ideas, spelling mistakes disturbs the readers, if the receiver of the message is not a good listener then it may create conflict or misinterpretation. If the communicator is not good at presentation, the communication will be meaningless. If the writer is not good at writing to communicate, the problem will not be solved.

So, it is highly recommended while engaging in interdepartmental communication to meet colleagues for every prospect to share problems, do not jeep the matter if found problem rather shares with colleagues to solve it immediately. It is better to meet mass people to avoid shyness, to talk more fluently to increase presentation skills, to write more and increase grammar and vocabulary stock to write an incorrect manner. Moreover, the followings criteria will be helpful to overcome the barriers:

  • It must have clarity in every thought
  • It is better to understand the needs of colleagues
  • It is better to seek the advice of the supervisor before communicating
  • Must be careful to use standard language in the right manner while speaking
  • It must have a feedback from the receiver
  • It is must to keep a routine check on the communication system
  • It is recommended to avoid overloading too much information


So, the report is all about the ways of interdepartmental communication and cooperation within the organization, the barriers in communication are identified in adobe and the strategy is given to overcome the barriers. Therefore, communication must have some barriers and it has also ways to overcome those if the principle of communication is followed by the means of clarity, proper attention, conciseness, sick to the subject line and avoids the un-vague words.


Written by

Md. Shadequr Rahaman

Email: [email protected]

Different Forms of Communications

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