Green Building

Green Building

The Revolution in China’s Green Architecture Building or Green Building

Background information

The idea of ​​developing a “green building” as well as “green city” is not inventive. In 1975, Richard enrolled at the University of California at Berkeley, creating an organization called Urban Environment dedicated to the city’s design and design. Its approach has led to traditional urbanization methods, such as using enhanced and voluntary conservation and focusing on “affordable, affordable housing, and economic integration”, promoting technology. Reducing environmental pollution and hazardous waste and supporting “economic activities”. Today, the environmental environment serves as a consultant in San Francisco Bay to create architectural and sustainable landscapes. Land use. ECHO is far from creating ideas. Clean energy technology, waste management, recycling and water conservation is clearly embellished and the government is investing in urban infrastructure for these technologies. China and Singapore, Tianjin Eko, a flagship device for cooperation projects between the Singaporean and Chinese governments, are the current efforts to build an important eco-city. The city is well-planned for 350,000 people and can be accessed from key transportation routes 150 kilometers away from Beijing. Figure 1 shows the target for transport and natural resources, which Cox’s Coal City is hoping to attack. It should be noted that the city provides 100% clean water, a feature unusual in most cities in China, which is small in rural areas. However, despite the average city of Tianjin, thousands of homes are still facing environmental sustainability. Often the process of eco-building can be “unsustainable”. Some researchers have argued that it is more important to prioritize existing city development than funding larger city development plans for new Eco cities. However, this will eliminate the possibility of creating employment by finding “green” workers. Ultimately, the unwanted complexity near the existing city is the victim of an eco-friendly change compared to a city that was established as Beijing. For example, the Kao-eidian project in South Peking is called “Ghost Town”. Now, the rapid completion of the brand’s new central section of the city has become an important step to reduce the fear of collapse in the real estate sector, but there should be enough work to attract people. . China’s economic targets are traditionally described in its five-year plan, focusing on jobs in the green industry. During the 11 years (2006-10) over 9,000 jobs were created by solar energy. Between 2011 and 2020, the government hopes to increase direct employment of an average of 6,000 and 16,000 per year in fields such as solar and wind transport.

The city aims to create a cycle of production, rehabilitation and recycling. Solid organic waste will be released for the production of food and residues, fertilizers such as phosphorus and nitrogen will be used to grow (algae) manure. Since the plant is directly flooded, residues from plants for meat and poultry will require reducing the size of the soil (Figure 2). “This kind of recycling and recycling system can be used for the production of soil organic vitamins by polluting water or air,” said Ruen. They are used together with traditional forms of green energy, such as solar, wind, and hydrogen. They “echo City” as they were called, and Chen has the potential to translate freedom completely.

Demographic data is called “widespread” because it uses different power methods depending on where ECHO is being constructed. Biology or specific attractions of resources for each region create a more flexible environmental framework than any other great adventure adventure, like the green city of Green City. Establishing eco-cities in rural areas is not close to the city, attracting skilled professionals in rural areas, providing jobs related to nature conservation. These jobs can change the lives of rural residents who have been overlooked by the government in the past.

Fortunately, Eco City can help solve today’s social problems in today’s China, between rural and urban residents. The Chinese family register, which has been used since 1949, called Huku, has been used as part of a very popular and truly controlling country in the mobile economy. In the mid-1980s, policies were introduced to farmers’ families to migrate to the city to meet the demands of the rebels. China has about 200 to 250 million people living in rural areas of the United States who move their entire home, except Florida and California. Then, called “Immigration,” many cities can not meet the housing needs, leading to the rapid growth of urban slums.

China sees the need for sustainable construction. For this country, this is not only an interesting idea, but also a way to control the use of energy in the growing middle class of the city. China is the world’s largest building market, with about half of the building being built annually in China, based in China. Only 4% of these buildings are built on energy efficiency standards.

Green Building

Paragraph 1 – Green Building in China: Government Policy

In 2006, three star rating systems for eco-buildings in China were created to build sustainable and sustainable construction. The Revolution in China’s green building is young. There is a challenge that the country has made to include low levels of regulation and standards, addressing local problems, lack of awareness and transparency in the public and private sectors, and lack of skills for the sustainable construction of buildings and facilities. Combining engineers, designers, developers and builders, along the way. China also accounts for one third of the water supply for construction. The last study also revealed that half of the national energy consumption was built. In addition, these buildings need processing and enhancing technology.

Investment opportunities for sustainable construction in China

Promoting green buildings is one of China’s most important priorities, according to its 12th five-year plan. The country focuses on energy savings and environmental protection. Under the framework, there are the following investment sectors, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

  • Carry out innovative energy and energy solutions in architectural design
  • Urban development projects in the field of environment and energy.
  • High quality and high quality materials.
  • Technology and products for environmental protection
  • Engineering consultancy provides a complete solution for energy savings.

China’s Investment and Development Plan

According to the magazine “CEO”, China, the following cities are the 10 largest cities in the future, potentially on the second level: Suzhou, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Qingdao City Qingdao of Ninpo Penergangan, Tianjin and Wuhan.


From the government to the Shinnin government, the first ECHO cooperation. It requires the building to meet the energy efficiency standard. In addition, it plans to allow public transport, cycling and walking 90%. It ensures that you have a high level of water saving and waste management and biodiversity improvement will be protected and other wetlands around the city.


Dongtan, which chaired the Chinese government, started in 2005. The city is outside Shanghai on the Yangtze River. Urban Zero Energy Plans (ZEBs); Neutral transport system for greenhouse gases. Custom water system. And renewable energy systems. Shanghai Investment Corporation (SIIC) and British engineering firm Arup have created the project.


Already, in 1997, the National Environmental Protection Service (EPB) advised Wuhan to join a sustainable center program. The project for sustainable durability (SWP) aims to promote the sustainable development of the Wuhan environment, which will be achieved by increasing the efficiency of utilization and reuse of natural resources and environmental degradation. The reduction of the epicenter was 459 ecological clusters and total investment of 512.8 billion yuan.

Paragraph 2 – Future of Green Building and Ecology in China

Green building has gained popularity in China since its recognition by the Director of Gold and Environment (LEED). But sustainable buildings represent a small percentage of the construction market in China, which is of interest to increase their profits and reduce construction costs by adapting to sustainable accountability and energy efficiency. With China’s growing environmental awareness and policy, China will approve more green building practices over the coming years and cut down on the total energy use. According to the National Bureau of Statistics of China’s Development in China, it has built an area of ​​1.9 billion square meters and invested $ 983 billion in real estate development. Regulators in the country have focused on implementing environmental and energy practices in new buildings and buildings.

Paragraph 3 – The impact of urbanization on China’s infrastructure

Emerging urbanization in the country has led the market to a new trading structure that has invited the Chinese government to prioritize infrastructure development. The Chinese government believes that the modern economy lives in trustworthy transport, improve electricity and communications. For China’s economic growth, the goal is consistent with this ideology, which is expected to be fully achieved by 2020.

Currently, state-owned companies cover China’s infrastructure. The government controls these companies while receiving state-owned support, such as China Communication Construction Co. China National Construction Company, China Rail Corporation, China State Construction International Holdings Ltd and others.

Counter Argument

Recent developments in China’s infrastructure are triggered by active participation in the international arena.

Here are some promising trends in developing China’s market reforms:

China has strengthened its presence worldwide, dealing with business overseas and providing a high level of trade where improved transport infrastructure has been reinforced.
In 2002, regulations on foreign investment management have allowed foreign investors to establish companies in the country. This has continued so far and has become a major factor in the country’s economic growth.

Major infrastructure projects in China

Central and Chinese governments, state-owned enterprises and the private sector have made concerted efforts to support major infrastructure development projects. This development has the potential to lead China’s economy into a light of global business: Below are some infrastructure development projects:

Yantai-Dalian tunnel under the Bore Sea. The five-year plan (2016-2020) will link Dalian with Lianyang, Yantian province, in Sunderland. The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge has tunnels and bridges that are designed to connect famous cities such as Hong Kong, Macao, and Suhay. This is the current connection project. The South-North project will use three major rivers in China as a supplier of water for the north. The high-speed railway project covers 33 districts in China. Continued increases in daily travel to the workplace can lead to further improvements / improvements.  The development of transport infrastructure has encouraged the achievement of civil aviation projects. The new airport is expected to serve Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. China’s infrastructure development plans can provide many opportunities for businesses around the world. Entrepreneurial spirit and global capabilities also play a role in opening joint ventures with foreign companies. Alliance experts can help you find the right agents or distributors, process and build businesses in China’s infrastructure.


Compared to the United States or other developed countries, mixed use has been widely used in China, many of which have the services most people need in the region. Guan said the government’s role in planning the city has also facilitated the creation of a sustainable community. “China is one of the few places in the world to decide what the city will be and how to build it.”

Written by

Md. Shadequr Rahaman

Email: [email protected]

Green Building

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