New Zealand Transportation
The role of the New Zealand Transportation governed by the government is to improve the overall transport system including the road, air, rail, marine. It requires a huge range of by the New Zealand’s government from New Zealand Transportation governed by the government to extend the scope of improvement in this sector by proper planning and funding activities, along with this it require the supporting of public transport to build as well as improve the overall communication system. The role of the New Zealand Transportation governed by the government to provide the road safety in the driving circumstances, efficiency in freight system, effective and efficient driver, and public transport effectiveness. In a broader context, The transport system of New Zealand Transportation governed by the government is basically contributing a lot to the economic activity with the supporting of connecting society. Above all this, New Zealand Transportation governed by the government is trying to increase the efficiency and effective transport system from the any corner of the town as citizen can move from one place to another very easily. If there could be possible to develop the strong linkages between road as bus transportation and rail as train transportation , with the supporting of the maritime as marine transportation and aviation as air transportation, then it will play a vital role to the communication system as well as to the economic activity development, and this why the New Zealand is going to concentrate more by developing some modern policies to the transportation system specially on the public transport like Bus and Train. (Authority, 2017)
The New Zealand Transportation governed by the government is responsible for allocating funds to the development of the transportation system whereas the fund is allocated from the National Land Transport Fund to the development of local road, highway road and state highway improvement; along with the development they do the proper maintenance where it is included the renewal of the transport of the bus and train, for passenger. For the transport of the Bus and train, they have the policy of funding to provide new bus and train to the transport system as they beauty of the transport cannot be destroyed. The road transport for Bus and train the New Zealand Transportation governed by the government has the infrastructure development plan along with the aspect to provide assistance in providing the advice through different transport programs. For the bus and train driver the Driver testing certificate along with issuing driver licenses through proper verification as the plan to confirm the safety. There has also the plan for providing state highway network by the research and development to administer the policy greatly.
But this is true to develop, implement as well as execute the plan for the New Zealand Transportation governed by the government, there are so many challenges involved. It could be the challenge of political or financial or the infrastructural.
New Zealand Transportation – Bus
Buses are the most common and the cheapest form of public transport in New Zealand fro moving from from one place to another between towns and cities. The road bus network of the New Zealand Transportation governed by the government is central to New Zealand’s transport system. It is crucial to develop the infrastructure and the performance for economy, society, living life and the communities.

Statistical report shows that road bus network of New Zealand Transportation governed by the government carries on average almost 70 percent of New Zealand’s freight movements. In addition to it is found from the statistical report that on average almost 84 percent of the journeys in related to work. Thus it requires vital participation of the government to the road bus network to deal with huge passenger in this category and there should not option of delay to execute the plan. Because when the communication system will be increased then it will contribute to the productivity improvements in an efficient and effective form.
Plan, Policy and Program action by the New Zealand Government
(Transport, 2014)The New Zealand Transportation governed by the government has the alignment on the making of policy to investment in the bus transport and according to this the planning is prepared to the management of roads with the government support. As a result, the rationale of the policy for investment in bus transport is to design the well policy on the planning for the development of the bus transport with management of it funding of the bus network that will allow the government to the road improvements in an effective and efficient form by the effective use of the resources. In addition to, the outcome of the planned action is the development of highway to create the network with State highway. Finally, the impact of this will be the proven result of the Increased efficiency to the bus network system of the government from local to urban network to increase the economic activity, and that increase bus network system will create the affordability where the funds are used s more efficiently.
The New Zealand Transportation governed by the government has the plan and policy to develop the safety measure and improve the safety measure to implement safety and security initiatives. As a result, the rationale of the development of safety policy will provide the Safer Journey. Though the timeline of the strategy is from 2010-2020, within this time they had the rationale policy to reduce deaths on roads by bus and injuries on the roads by bus, and there should have the extensive research and consultation to this period to prove the divisibility of the strategy. In addition to, the outcomes of the policy is to bring development of positive safety outcomes. Finally, the impact of the policy will lead to the implementation, Development and execution of the plans that will be effective to provide Safer Journeys.
The New Zealand Transportation governed by the government has the policy and plan to reduced number of deaths caused by bus accident and serious injuries caused by bus accidents due to result of road crashes. As a result, the rationale of this reduction of deaths caused by the bus accident will be the strong review regulation regarding this issue and development of strong legislation to improve transport system. As they can understand the life is more valuable than driving fast for transport users.
The New Zealand Transportation governed by the government has the policy and plan to review regulation and improve the legal fact of legislation to improve transport system with the mechanism of processing the compliance costs for transport users. As a result, the rationale of this policy of reviewing the legal fact will be providing the potential of the service to the extent for better transport outcomes. In addition to, the outcome of the review policy will be the amendment of Bus Transport Management. Finally the impact of the review policy will be Simplified planning as well as decision making processes to set the legal standard.
The New Zealand Transportation governed by the government has the policy and plan to identify options for the sustainable development of bus transport system to the context of bus transport revenue framework. As a result, the rational of the the sustainable development of bus transport system to the context of bus transport revenue framework to have the proper revenue sources in every level and that will be used for the infrastructure development. In addition to, the outcome of the policy will be to get the improved as well as sustainable bus transport as well as bus transport revenue framework will assist the Minister in keeping transport affordable for both users and government. Finally, the impact of the policy will create the bus transport revenue framework for the development of infrastructure purpose from funding basis bus transport infrastructure investments.
The New Zealand Transportation governed by the government has the policy and plan of working closely with private sector to identify the problem and to provide the support for improvement in the bus transport by proper funding and investment. As a result, the rational of the policy of working closely with private sector to identify the problem and to provide the support for improvement to will generate more funding and there will have the development of procurement policy in relation to private and public bus transport to achieve greater success by government. In addition to, this policy may direct to the amendment due to private public bus transport system collaboration and it could be passed in near future. Finally, it will Increase the value for money in development aspect as well as the procurement aspect to the bus transport infrastructure development.
The New Zealand Transportation governed by the government has the policy and plan to implement the standards and identify further better policy options to reduce difficulties in this bus transport to minimize the harmful facts to increase the safety. As a result, the rational of the policy of implementing standard to reduce the difficulties will be help to the increased air of quality as well as the quality of life in in the context of the environment keeping beauty along with the safety of the bus transport. Moreover, it will develop the energy security and economic productivity by reducing greenhouse effect. In addition to, the outcome of the policy will be the success of improving standards and identifying further better policy options to reduce difficulties in this bus transport to minimize the harmful facts to increase the safety. Thus the impact of this policy will help to reduce the difficulties to minimize the harmful emissions from bus vehicles.
(Corners, 2016)The New Zealand Transportation governed by the government has the policy and plan to reduced number of deaths caused by bus accident and serious injuries caused by bus accidents due to result of road crashes. As a result, the rationale of this reduction of deaths caused by the bus accident will be the strong review regulation regarding this issue and development of strong legislation to improve transport system. As they can understand the life is more valuable than driving fast for transport users.
New Zealand Transportation – Train
In New Zealand Trains are not common forms of public transport. It doesn’t offer a comprehensive passenger train network in New Zealand. But it provides the affordable journey as well as the comfortable and enjoyable journey.

Statistics shows that, it carries approximately almost on average 15 percent of New Zealand’s freight. I addition to, it used by more than 18 million urban commuters.
Plan, Policy and Program action by the New Zealand Government
(Ministry, 2014)The New Zealand Transportation governed by the government has the policy and plan to advise the government for taking long term plan for the development of the rail in New Zealand’s transport system. The rational will be for advise the government for taking long term plan for the development of the rail to provide essential work by KiwiRail to develop and the rail system. The outcome will be get great plan for the Minister to draw long-term role plan fro rail system. The impact of thus policy will be good for all.
The New Zealand Transportation governed by the government has the plan and policy to develop the safety measure and improve the safety measure to implement safety and security initiative and the Develop and implement an operational model for rail. As a result, the rationale of the development of safety policy will provide the Safer Journey. Though the timeline of the strategy is from 2010-2030, within this time they had the rationale policy to reduce deaths on roads by bus and injuries on the roads by bus, and there should have the extensive research and consultation to this period to prove the divisibility of the strategy. In addition to, the outcomes of the policy is to bring development of positive safety outcomes. Finally, the impact of the policy will lead to the implementation, Development and execution of the plans that will be effective to provide Safer Journeys.
The New Zealand Transportation governed by the government has the policy and plan of working closely with private sector to operating models for metro rail services and to identify the problem and to provide the support for improvement in the bus transport by proper funding and investment. As a result, the rational of the policy of working closely with private sector to monitor rail infrastructure and to identify the problem and to provide the support for improvement to will generate more funding and there will have the development of procurement policy in relation to private and public bus transport to achieve greater success by government. In addition to, this policy may direct to the amendment due to private public bus transport system collaboration and it could be passed in near future. Finally, it will Increase the value for money in development aspect as well as the procurement aspect to the bus transport infrastructure development.
The New Zealand Transportation governed by the government has the policy and plan to review maintain appropriate governance with regulation and improve the legal fact of legislation to improve transport system with the mechanism of processing the compliance costs for transport users. As a result, the rationale of this policy of monitoring and evaluation frameworks for KiwiRail for reviewing the legal fact will be providing the potential of the service to the extent for better transport outcomes. In addition to, the outcome of the review policy will be the amendment of Train Transport Management. Finally the impact of the review policy will be simplified planning as well as decision making processes to set the legal standard.
The New Zealand Transportation governed by the government has the policy and plan to develop rail safety initiatives and to identify options for the sustainable development of bus transport system to the context of train transport revenue framework. As a result, the rational of the sustainable development of bus transport system to the context of train transport revenue framework to have the proper revenue sources in every level and that will be used for the infrastructure development. In addition to, the outcome of the policy will be to get the improved as well as sustainable bus transport as well as bus transport revenue framework will assist the Minister in keeping transport affordable for both users and government. Finally, the impact of the policy will create the bus transport revenue framework for the development of infrastructure purpose from funding basis train transport infrastructure investments to rail safety action plan.
Authority, N. (2017). New Zealand Transportation Agency.
Class, N. (2016). File:NZ AM class train at Wiri depot 2013.
Corners, F. (2016). Bus Services – Transport.
Devvy. (2013). New Zealand Train.
Ministry, T. (2014). Rail operating intentions, Statement of Intent 2010 – 2013.
Radionz. (2014). Double decker buses head for Auckland.
Transport, M. o. (2014). Road operating intentions, Statement of Intent 2010 – 2013.
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