
Process of Self Assessment

Part A – Self Assessment by Experience learning and Active Participation

The process of Self Assessment by Experience learning and Active Participation is identical because self assessment is depends on the exposure of learning and participation.

Experience learning:

It is the view of course allows students to get an overview of their work in the organization and develop a variety of work skills that can be translated into many aspects of student work and social life. Experience learning shows many advantages over the course of reflection during the study period and finally it reveals as the matter of ability.

So, therefore, the sets of learning as “philosophy of integrated learning inn integration, including experience, skills and attitudes.” Without reflecting on …

Situated Learning Theory

Situated learning theory

Situated learning theory by the means of the Organizational learning and information creation are one of the drivers of organizational change. Therefore, the ideas of arranged learning and networks of training could reveal some insight into how and why hierarchical changes unfurl. For instance, the arranged learning hypothesis and the idea of networks of training could help look at the effect of changing social relations on commencement of base up changes and institution of best down arranged changes. There are many investigations of arranged organizational change, which depend on the supposition that change is a ceaseless procedure and in this way every execution of an action in a specific work setting is an event for change. (Billett, …

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