Literature review and its purposes

Domestic Violence on Women

Domestic Violence on women and how it can be addressed


Domestic violence is an international issue that cuts beyond country borders and economic, social, ethnic, cultural, and political divides. This dilemma is geographically widespread, but it often occurs, rendering it a regular and recognized practice. Domestic violence on women is prevalent, firmly embedded, and has significant health and well-being consequences for women. It’s ethically unacceptable to keep it going. Peoples, healthcare institutions, and the community all pay a high price for it. No other significant public health issue, on the other hand, has been so extensively neglected and misunderstood. It harms female’s physical and emotional health, as well as their sexual and reproductive health. Injuries, gynecological issues, permanent or …

What is Literature Review?

Literature Review

Literature Review in the form of a comprehensive summary of a specific topic from the previous research. Those research are of article research, journal research, book, and other sources. The purpose of a literature review is to survey the journals, articles, scholarly books to prevent duplication of the research paper and also provide the credit of the original researcher of that journals, articles or books.

What is Literature Review

Literature review and its purposes

The literature review is like a survey of journals, articles, scholarly books and other sources of research. It is done to clarify this previous research of journals, articles, scholarly books and other sources of research where it has the feature of describing the research, summarizing the research. It …

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