Author : nahian

Training and Development Process of Tesco

Training and Development Process of Tesco

Induction and training are the introductory things to make an employee enable to work in their new profession or job within an organization in a new environment. This program is arranged by the human resource department. Induction refers to the accomplishment or procedure of inducting someone to post or organization (Seibert, 1990). The HR personnel manager of Tesco arranges an induction program for the new employees to give them a clear idea about the organization, the rules and regulations, employee’s rights and benefits, their responsibility towards the job and the organization, health security, fire protection facility, etc. So to introduce new employees about their new work environment is the main motive of the …

Recruitment and Selection Process of Tesco

Recruitment and selection is a crucial task for the HR department of any organization. Because recruiting or selecting the right person for a specific position will bring productivity. And wrong selection may cause of facing loss. According to Edwin B. Flippo, recruitment is a process by which an organization searches for prospective employees and stimulates and motivates them to apply for jobs.

Every organization selects qualified employees to achieve their goals. Only selecting the right people for the right place is not the main work, besides making them more productive and efficient, several training and development programs should be arranged and to retain them organizations have to focus their demands. All these works are done by the Human Resource department …

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