Are the customers getting real access to justice or simply reaped off by unwarranted expensive legal fees?

Are customers getting real access to justice or simply reaped off by unwarranted expensive legal fees

Answer – Are the customers getting real access to justice or simply reaped off by unwarranted expensive legal fees?

To solve the question of Are customers getting real access to justice or simply reaped off by unwarranted expensive legal fees, it is used the argument of some authors. Stephen et. al (2015) differentiated that legal aid in UK can meet with the cost of advice of lawyers, representation in the court. A person has not right to represent oneself and the right protected under Article 6(4) under human right act 1998. A person may falls under financial thresholds for getting legal aid and sometimes needs to pat unwarranted legal fees for access to justice. If a person’s income more than £2435 in last month not eligible for this. Access to justice act passed in 1999 for reforming the legal aid. According to Faure (2018) this helps to reform the legal aid system and funding for support clients. This act developed Legal Services Comminution for reshaping legal services. This act allowed all cases like criminal and civil in UK which are eligible financially. There are different ways to consider access to justice including right to appear in court, advocacy, reforming the justice system and equality of outcomes, future access to justice. Customers in UK are access to justice in the court by unwarranted legal fees.

According to Stephen (2015) access to justice refers to the term which shows different things to different person. It helps to represent in court formally in narrow context. In broad context, it helps to engage wider context of society in the court system and it faces different barriers by the people of the community. In UK, access to justice applies to appear in court. The legal system of UK has a reputation of nest in the world for its top-quality bar council and independent judiciary, commercial courts, arbitration services etc. These help people of UK to operate their activities with high standard. Business also able to impact significantly on economy. Legal aid centres in UK established across the country and operating its services in 3000 countries where they have 50000 working stations.

According to OFT v Abbey National (2009) there are different economic, structural and institutional issues directly related with access to justice which increase the cost of legal processes, physical constraints and time? Barriers of getting real access to justice for customers by unwarranted legal fees are describing with real case examples in UK.

Are customers getting real access to justice or simply reaped off by unwarranted expensive legal fees

  • Cost is the most important factors impact on access to justice in the court for customers in UK, which can be direct and indirect cost. Direct costs are documentation fee, case fee, attorney fee and indirect cost are transportation cost etc. For high cost of travelling. Many lower class people cannot get the real access to justice (Stephen, 2015).
  • Shortage in service delivery is another hinder of getting real access to justice by customers by unwarranted legal fees in UK. In the shortage of delivery service, there are various issues included such as career and economic challenges, lack of diversity in specialisation.


Stephen, F., 2015. Access To Justice. 10th ed. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Hwang, S. and Firfiray, S., 2018. Work-family Conflict, Work Engagement and Satisfaction: A Diary Study of Solicitors in the UK. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018(1), p.15372.

Are the customers getting real access to justice or simply reaped off by unwarranted expensive legal fees? Are the customers getting real access to justice or simply reaped off by unwarranted expensive legal fees? prepared by:

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Md. Shadequr Rahaman

Email: [email protected]

Are the customers getting real access to justice or simply reaped off by unwarranted expensive legal fees?

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