Team Building Skills

Team Building Skills

Reflective Statement – Team Building Skills

Introduction – Team Building Skills

Team building skills are the skill of being experienced while working in a team. In the course of Managing Organization and People, I got the opportunity of working with a team in Sainsbury Plc to lead a role under customer service. In this organization, we have been instructed to increase customer satisfaction within three months. In that case, we have been encouraged to work in a team as it would be possible to fulfill customer queries, customer demands by providing their desired products. The aspect of team building activity involves team work, decision making, knowledge sharing, information sharing, brain storming, leading a team as leadership role, motivational skill to energize the team members and so on.

Discussion – Team Building Skills

The team in which I got the opportunity of playing a role consists of 5 members, and 4 of us were from same country and also from same language, but I was from different country and different language who also got the opportunity to work in Sainsbury Plc in customer service department. Though I have understanding in English language little a bit, it was not so easy to feeling comfortable with tem when joined in this company. So, in this organization while started working with the team, the first fact I found regarding cultural diversity that may create limitation in communication among the team in response to language barriers as well as cultural differences. According to (Mitchell, 2015), cultural diversity is basically limitation in team building skill and it could be avoided if there have proper team support among the tram members. So, I think that cultural diversity is like the weakness while working in team with other cultured people. So, it was not easy for me to adjust with them initially and talking to them about the course topics or course assignment. Therefore, the possibility of having communication gap was increasing. Practically, I have seen that it was not happened as I found the magic of team work as how cordially my team members accept me in the team and it was very comfortable for me to communicate with them as they were too much supportive while talking in in English language.

So, my experience at first step was so far good where we had dialog among the members and each members participated to share their ideas regarding over-all plan how to increase customer satisfaction. Therefore, we had planned to select our team leader as because leader plays an important role in a team. Leader leads a team with proper direction, and he plays the role of intermediary among the team members to communicate with the team members regularly. According to (Hamlin, 2007), leader must have the leadership skill to lead a team in response to directing, leading, suggesting, communicating and motivating team members.  More important thing is that, at this stage we had identified our team goals and objectives and our goals and objectives was to increase customer satisfaction within next three months. According to (SULLIVAN, 2010), goals and objectives set the path that should be achieved in getting success of any operation.

After that, I was feeling confident and grew a positive thought in my mind that team work is like team power to accomplish a assigned task with good spirit. According to (PARKER, 2008), team spirit in team is very important because team spirit sets the teams members towards the common goals and objectives that should be achieved. The attitude of friendly environment among the team members is also important while working in an organization, I found no lacking in that area of team building relationship in Sainsbury Plc in customer service department because all the members were too much friendly as we were concerned to decrease conflict among us, whereas we have selected leader as per voting system of the team members and therefore trust among the team is developed. Otherwise we cannot work properly if there have any problems among the members, and of course the communication among the team members is very necessary without which team work cannot be progressed and team output will not be up to that standard mark. So, communication as well an effective communication is must among the members to avoid conflict and grow friendly relationship as well as friendly environment in the organization.

Team Building Skills

After that, there had come forward so many issues among the members as because we were discussing about some ways to increase customer satisfaction. I found that while we were taking part in group discussion, some team members were denying others suggestion ad someone thought that his idea is much better than others like one was telling customer satisfaction could be increased if we can build friendly reaction, or other was telling customer satisfaction could be increased only we can quality products, or another one was telling customer satisfaction could be increased if we could offer discount in every products.  (Hamlin, 2007). So, it seems that group work can provide versatile thinking and most effective one should choose to satisfy customer satisfaction. Therefore, we have decided that we will grow friendly relationship with customers by proving quality product or services.

The members who engage in team building tasks then he must have to provide great efforts then it would be possible to develop a good bonding among the members. Then, it becomes easier to work with the team comfortably and always doing healthy discussions by avoiding arguments rather we can do discussion. So, it is found that that self-direction working in a team provides higher level of productivity and greater results are desired in a team”, we as a team had the same goals of achieving higher level of productivity in increasing customer satisfaction level and our team was self-directed and everyone had taken his own responsibility as we can achieve our goals. Still, there was motivation from each and every one of the team regarding trying hard that helps to achieve the goals. So, motivational is also playing a vital role to increase customer satisfaction when we were motivated properly we provided the best services as per our commitment  (PARKER, 2008).


So, the conclusion from the team building skill as well as team building activity could be designed that team spirit, leadership role, self-direction aspect, motivational aspect and of course effective communication skill is very must essential while working in a team and it may be directed to achieve the goals and objectives.


Hamlin, A. &. J. C., 2007. Leadership and conflict.. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 64(1), pp. 49-68.

Mitchell, R. &. B. B., 2015. Professional diversity, identity salience and team innovation: The moderating role of openmindedness norms.. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36(6), pp. 873-894.

PARKER, M., 2008. Team Players and Team Work: New Strategies for the Competitive Enterprise. 2nd ed. s.l.:John Wiley.

SULLIVAN, E. a. G. G., 2010. Practical Leadership and Management. 3rd ed. s.l.:Pearson Education Ltd.

Written by

Md. Shadequr Rahaman

Email: [email protected]

Team Building Skills

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