Innovation Partnership Programme

Innovation Partnership Programme

Innovation Partnership Programme of Huawei Telecommunication Company

Introduction: The concept of innovation is very common but the concept of innovation partnership programme is a very new term in recent times. Innovation partnership programme with customers and governments is used by Huawei recently for changing their marketing strategy (Greer & Lei, 2011). So, strategy taken by Huawei Telecommunication Company for taking advantage of competing joint innovation.

The key points which the author is trying to mention are as follows:

The strategy of Innovation Partnership Programme Huawei Telecommunication Company for Europe in response to their Technological advantage are:

  • Offer customized technologies

They are going to offer customized technologies by the means of joint innovation with customers and governments by which they will be able to meet needs of the customer practically and the needs of resource constraints will also be solved when it will be applied to offer customized technologies for serving their target customers (Heintzel & Liebl, 2019);

  • Build customer loyalty

They are going to build customer loyalty by the means of joint innovation with customers and governments by which they will be able to enhance the growth of technological benefits practically and they will be long lasting in the market for providing technological support in advance  in terms of joint innovation partnership programme (Uncles, Dowling & Hammond, 2003)

  • Enlist the support with Others

They are going to enlist the support of governments for getting full infrastructure support from government as they will be able develop a high tech city for technological development in this telecommunication industry, they are also going to enlist the support of universities as they can engage the students within this innovation process for getting something innovative from them, and they are going to enlist the support of other industry stakeholders by the means of joint innovation for providing the services of customization as they can also contribute to the further investment of innovation process on priorities (Weber, 2015).

Innovation Partnership Programme

Analysis and Discussion on Innovation Partnership Programme

  1. Mobile phones are bleeding edge things with high necessities and snappy headway (Heintzel & Liebl, 2019). This requires total thought on speed considering the way of providing customized services to the customer with latest technology as per their requirement of technology and it is adequately fast to improvise within the joint innovation process. Huawei’s R&D system allows this great opportunity for their customer to fulfill their future technological needs while developing their inside mechanical piece within the concept of customized technologies. The critical thing would be the matter of costing while providing the customized technology when it will working as the customer’s motivating force on the capacity to pay for the thing. (Heintzel & Liebl, 2019). So, this very practical that the customized technology offering will be costly than the built in technology offering.
  2. The essential inspiration driving why Huawei is defying issues with customer loyalty is a direct result of low brand care among its general customers (Blair, 2016). It is hard for Huawei to fight on getting to promote proximity extensively. In order to increase customer loyalty, the essence of joint innovation would be great idea as they are the market leader in providing all latest technology introduction as well as latest technology facilities in this telecommunication industry. They just need to contribute for proving the services at a very competitive prices compare to other competitor because customer loyalty is such kind of aspect where pricing play a vital role with quality technology services in terms of quality services. So, the arrangements provided by Huawei in developing the telecommunication industry with best technology ever within the reasonable and competitive prices, and also publicizing the use of plan to increase customer loyalty joint innovation is like a handy strategy (Blair, 2016). The essence of 4G wireless telecommunication system have changed the whole telecommunication scenario, even though Huawei has already been executed to 5G technology and it becomes only possible just because of Joint Innovation partnership programme with customers and governments.
  3. As to stay innovative and genuine in the market, Huawei set up their own investigation foundation in Europe. Also, the purchasing power on phone in Asia is growing a result of joint innovation with customers and governments for better services. One of Huawei’s mechanical great position is the R&D puts together they have with respect to the world and the surrounded joint undertakings with the business imaginative capacity, for instance, the joint innovation with customers and governments and also other stakeholders for providing the services of customization as they can also contribute to the further investment of innovation process on priorities (Weber, 2015). It is a great effort by Huawei to take the support of other industry stakeholders for making revolutionary changes in this telecommunication technology. The support of other industry stakeholders will be worth when they are giving the financial support, hardware support, software support, parts and spare supports, advance technology support etc. all these things are joint collaboration effort to make it successful.


Huawei is excited about the habits in which that they are offering back to the earth. They impelled imperativeness safeguarding dares to diminish the essentialness they use in collecting, look into offices and server ranches. In their continuous joint innovation with customers and governments report, Huawei discussed to provide best technological support to all users, customers, other stakeholders within next five years (WEBER, WEGGEMAN & VAN AKEN, 2012).


Blair, E. (2016). The Power of ‘Wow’ to Attract New Customers. Entrepreneur And Innovation Exchange.

Greer, C., & Lei, D. (2011). Collaborative Innovation with Customers: A Review of the Literature and Suggestions for Future Research*. International Journal Of Management Reviews14(1), 63-84.

Heintzel, A., & Liebl, J. (2019). “We will offer the complete range of technologies”. Atzheavy Duty Worldwide12(3), 18-21.

Uncles, M., Dowling, G., & Hammond, K. (2003). Customer loyalty and customer loyalty programs. Journal Of Consumer Marketing20(4), 294-316.

Weber, M. (2015). Developing what customers really need: involving customers in innovation. IEEE Engineering Management Review43(2), 34-44.

WEBER, M., WEGGEMAN, M., & VAN AKEN, J. (2012). DEVELOPING WHAT CUSTOMERS REALLY NEED: INVOLVING CUSTOMERS IN INNOVATIONS. International Journal Of Innovation And Technology Management09(03), 1250018.

Written by

Md. Shadequr Rahaman

Email: [email protected]

Innovation Partnership Programme

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