Employability Skills of Global Citizen

Self-development and responsibility help to increase employability skills because self-development is a process of learning from various kinds of working modules or working tests in which a person has to involve in solving so many practical problems. Similarly, self-responsibility is also a learning process that helps to increase work adaptability and create the habit of being responsible to finish a task from own responsibility.

Employability Skills of Global Citizen

Employability Skills of Global Citizen

Employability skill refers to the skill of an individual that could be played a vital role in job or employment sectors. The area of working with other people in a team, having good communication skills, being reliable and dependable in a team, and of course having the willingness to learn from any source, all of these mentioned areas called employability skill (Jackson, 2014).

Therefore, the module of Self-development and responsibility will be a great phenomenon to be a skilled candidate in the job sector with the educational certificate achievement.

From my point of view, the module of Self-development and responsibility has contributed a lot to my development skill under the following areas:

Personality Skill

This is the self-development area in which I have learned how to talk with people, the behavior, manner, and ethical factors while I will be working for an organization. Self-development and responsibility help to increase personality skill because I had to work in a team and given so many behavioral contexts to work on it from own effort (Jackson, 2014).

Communication Skill

This is the self-development area in which I have learned how to communicate with people and the communication model that could be used effectively in an organization. I have been practiced with reading skills, writing skills, and listening because these three criteria are more important while the need to communicate with parties, colleagues, or other stakeholders. Self-development and responsibility help to develop communication skill because this module ha a common practice to meet so many people and find the right way to communicate with them from own effort effectively (Orner, 2009).

Decision Making Skill

This is the self-development area in which I have learned how to make a decision in case of any emergency because this module is featured with some practical cases where I have to work on it and asked to provide my own decision regarding the case problem. In that case, I had to provide the logic behind taking decisions regarding that problem-solving criteria. So, this a great aspect to be habituated with decision making and problem-solving skills while solving some practical cases from own effort (Orner, 2009).

Being Reliable and Dependable

This is the self-development area in which I have learned about time management, disciplinary actions, punctuality, emotional intelligence, and being organized in working areas. This is the scenario in which a person is reliable, he always takes the responsibility for his own actions and leads the team to achieve the specified goal and objectives (Zakaria, Ismail, and Ana, 2017).  So, Self-development and responsibility help me to be reliable because this module is designed to work from own willingness and to take responsibility for each and every individual task.

Global Citizen: To be a global citizen, there must have certain qualities of a person who will be aware of the world and he must have a sense of responsibility to play a role towards the moral, ethical, and values diversity. So, a global citizen is a person who has respect as well as the responsibility to global people to stay against social violence, social injustice, regular contribution as well as a donation to social problems solving, regular participation in global communities in they intend to take responsibility from their own actions and beliefs.

In a broader sense, to be a global citizen, a person must have to be creative in his thought, ideas as well as beliefs, he must have to be dedicated towards his actions and job responsibility, he must have to be flexible to balance with any situation and he must have to be proactive to deal with the rising problem and solve it.

From the context of self-development and responsibility, to be a global citizen requires developing skills in the area of personality, communication skills, decision-making skills and decision-making ability, problem-solving skills, conflict management skills, and collaboration skills. All these mentioned skills are more valuable in the context of from the context of self-development and responsibility for becoming a global citizen in personal life as well as professional life.

To be a Global Citizen the following criteria should exist

Get Inspired

From the context of self-development and responsibility, a person should get inspiration from his own effort in which he will be inspired to know details about the world map, economic condition globally, to know standard as well as more used forms of language to conduct and communicate with global people. That means, he must have the motivation to work with the global community (Her, 2018).

Get Educated

From the context of self-development and responsibility, to be a global citizen, a person must have to take global education courses like the global business course, community engagement courses, or global leadership course by which he can build knowledge regarding the aspect of international happenings (Her, 2018).

Read More

To be a global citizen, a person must have to read more about the global economy, global magazines, seek to know and be informed about international news with important current events (Her, 2018).

Go Abroad

To be a global citizen, a person must have to travel so many countries under the program of the study tour, or by his own effort when he has vacationed in university. Moreover, he can do his from other countries and build his international career to develop the international experience to integrate with experiential material (Osiadacz, 2018).

Make friends

To be a global citizen, a person must have to make cross-cultural friendships or cross-functional relationships in university and exchange their cultural values, traditional values, economic news, and political news, etc. each other (Osiadacz, 2018).

Become a leader

To be a global citizen, a person must have to lead international travel groups to coordinate with them and he can engage with the international community. He also can attend international conferences, to develop cross-cultural skills from trusted sources (Osiadacz, 2018).

Required Skills and Competencies by Employers from Graduates

Employers find diversified skills from the graduates and those skills must add value to my career path. Suppose, in my career path I want to be a Project Consultant. In that case, the employers must find a bunch of diversified skills like leadership skip, good communication skills, collaboration skills, and adaptability skills, problem-solving skills, decision-making skills, and self-motivation with good confidence skills.

So, the Required Skills and Competencies by Employers from Graduates to my chosen career path of Project consultant would be as follows:

Commercial awareness (or business acumen)

To my chosen particular career path, I must have to grow commercial awareness because commercial awareness skill is the skill of knowing the business trends with industry valuation within a particular economy. Therefore, when employers need to recruit employee he must find the graduate who knows the country’s very well with its monetary policy, fiscal policy, commercial policy, country’s GDP, GNP, etc. This commercial awareness will help the graduates to know about the company’s products and services and how they are competing and doing business in this competitive market (Xavier, 2017).


To my chosen particular career path, I must have to grow as well as develop my communication skills. I have to be good at reading, writing as well as listening also. There is some specific communication model in which the verbal and written communication model used but from a business point of vow written communication skill is globally accepted. Verbal communication is like the telephonic conversation to communicate with clients, suppliers, distributors, or other stakeholders over the telephone or face to face talking communication. Written communication is like an Email system in which business purposes are maintained officially by email (Campbell and Dogoloff, 2008).


To my chosen particular career path, I must have to be habituated with teamwork because teamwork makes the work procedure comfortable. There are some graduates who are not habituated with teamwork, in that case, they cannot adjust to corporate life in the job sector. There is no exception to do any work in a single effort rather it is more logical and effective to work in a team to get better results if the group members good understanding and if they can strongly handle conflict management (Campbell and Dogoloff, 2008).

Negotiation and persuasion

To my chosen particular career path, it is the core competencies to negotiate with business dealings. In the process of negotiation, it is required to understand the business needs and according to that, an employee must have to deal with it where the company interest will get first priority. In that case, if the employers find that a graduate has good negotiation skill then it will be helpful to develop a better career (Campbell and Dogoloff, 2008).


To my chosen particular career path, I just have to have the ability of problem-solving because it is another competency from the employers’ point of view. Employers search for such kind of graduate from the market those who good in analytical ability as well as a problem-solving ability because in business there is a fixed problem rather there are variations of problems that will come forward. In that case, the person with problem-solving skills will get the preference from employers to be recruited in the organization. Therefore, I must have to present the ability of logical thoughts and analytical approaches for problem-solving and resolving issues (Taylor, 2017).


To my chosen particular career path, I must have to have the ability of leadership because employers find a graduate those who have the ability of leadership because every employer wants that the graduate will lead a leadership roles in the designation of a company director or he or she will be held the position in management level in which he can provide deism by his leadership skills. Leaders not only provide decision rather they are also involved in motivating his employees or team member to accomplish the assigned task within the given period.

So, graduates need to motivate their teams and their colleagues that will work for them to achieve the goal of the organization and fulfill the organizational objectives (Taylor, 2017).


To my chosen particular career path, I must have to have the ability of organization by which it means that a graduate must have to have the ability to work productively, effectively, and efficiently. From employers’ point of view, they search for a graduate from the market who is capable of organizing the resources of the organization at priority-based and it will be done effectively by him and he will be able to manage his time very well and how you go about meeting deadlines (Xavier, 2017).

Perseverance and motivation

Employers need graduates to have a touch of get-moving because graduates must face so many challenges while they will be assigned any specific task. In that case, the graduate must have to show his motivational skill in which he or she will be self-motivated by overcoming the challenges using own effort and playing the role of elf development and responsibility (Xavier, 2017).

Ability to work under pressure

To my chosen particular career path, I must have to have the ability of work in under pressure because it is required competencies by the employers from graduates that the graduate will be calm and quiet in cruising or pressure moment but in this calm and quiet situation, he will make an effective output from the organization avoiding the stress in the workplace.


To my chosen particular career path, I must have to confident in my workplace because employers like confident people from the graduates because they think that it is the sign of positivity getting a positive attitude from the graduates (Xavier, 2017).


Campbell, W., and Dogoloff, S. (2008). Employer Evaluations of the Professional Competencies of Graduates. 1st ed. London.

Employers’ views sought on the competencies of new graduates. (2017). Veterinary Record, 180(22), pp.530.3-530.

Her, V. (2018). Who is a Global Citizen?. Global Journal of Archaeology & Anthropology, 3(4).

Jackson, D. (2014). Employability skill development in work-integrated learning: Barriers and best practice. Studies in Higher Education, 40(2), pp.350-367.

Orner, M. (2009). Employability skill acquisition of career and technical education students. 1st ed.

Osiadacz, E. (2018). Global Citizen. Brock Education Journal, 27(2).

Zakaria, N., Ismail, N., and Ana, A. (2017). The Relationship between Employability Skills and Career Choices among Vocational Skill Students. The innovation of Vocational Technology Education, 12(2).

Xavier, W., 2017. Skills and competencies for graduates. Human Resource Management, 4(2), pp. 59-66.

Written by

Md. Shadequr Rahaman

Email: [email protected]

Employability Skills of Global Citizen

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