Letter of Personal Statement

Letter of Personal Statement

20th March 2020

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am applying to study a BSc in ‘Business and Enterprise with Foundation Year in Business’ at Global Banking School, London. I wish to apply for a position on your graduate program as advertised with the Careers Service on JobsLive advertised by Leeds Trinity University. I welcome the opportunity to bring my maturity, practical experience, and eagerness to progress shows I am committed and would love to start my degree am confident that I would be a beneficial addition to the education facility. I am excited about the course as I know it will get me to the place I have always dreamed of, as a Project manager in a well-known Business.

Letter of Personal StatementI have a natural attraction to a project management role, as I feel I have the right skill sets coupled with my enthusiasm for applying my skills in management. Having gained experience working in Central Financial Services, I have now accumulated an even greater appetite and am confident I would enjoy a varied and stimulating commercial business environment. In particular, I am drawn towards the economics/commercial analyst role at Price Induction. The enthusiasm and broad-mindedness of the current employees instantly gave me the impression that this company wants to strive for even greater goals which it has set. Furthermore, the quality of training and personal development both personally and professionally also appeals to me.

I am very fascinated with the figures because I had a great interest in maths in school. I believe this will motivate me to rise above any challenges I may come across. I also believe I possess strong communication skills with verbal communication being my greatest strength. I am a very confident person with an ability to pronounce and show confidence in my body language and in my communication. I am excited to put these skills into action during the degree, placement and in my future career.

I would welcome the opportunity to work on a variety of projects, learning more about the business and operations whilst at the same time making a valued and lasting contribution with my existing skills. Studying Aerospace Engineering in my leisure has embedded me with solid and concise analytical and problem-solving skills. During my time reading and researching, I have obtained exceptional results in all modules from testing myself, ranging from strict engineering modules entailed with vigorous numerical understanding, to more financial and economic modules dealing with cash flow and how different financial and operation models are implemented within different sectors of industry. Having a keen interest in finance means I continually keep abreast of business and local news with a keen interest in real estate and Business.  For the past year, I have been studying subjects relating to business on the Internet. I have chosen to apply for a course in business relating to the Internet because it is a very interesting and exciting area to work in. It is a new industry. I hope this course will extend my knowledge and understanding of the Internet and eventually lead me into a career where I will be rewarded and have many future opportunities.

My previous work experience working in family Businesses has given me the confidence and knowledge to pursue a degree in this field. I have gained confidence in financial matters and has helped my own personal matters of savings. I am grateful for this experience as it has made me a stronger person as I have faced many challenges and still have come outstanding. I believe the course will do to me. I have enjoyed the interview process at Global Banking School as the employees have shown warmth and kindness in explaining every question I have had.

I love to play chess and checkers as it stimulates my mind and allows me to think ahead of myself. The rest of my free time is spent on helping people in my local area with their computer problems. I am very happy to help others who need help because I enjoy doing it because I get appreciated for it. I enjoy a number of outside interests such as music, going to the cinema and reading. I have a passion for playing football as well as supporting my favorite team which is Chelsea, where I and my friends have competitions on which team wins. I play regularly in my local park team and I also enjoy playing snooker with friends at my local pool center which joins us with other locals and gets us together in the community spirit. Through friendships, I have enhanced my skills in terms of communication, listening, and patience. All skills needed to deal with challenges the course may throw at me but I am committed to the course if I am accepted to the best as I can and be the best. A weakness of mine is that I am very competitive, always wanting to win. However, I think I like this weakness of mine as it gives me the drive to win and succeed without being a sore loser and not kind to others.

All in all, my academic life has taken me thus far and during this long period, I have acquired a number of skills along the way and am waiting for an opportunity to show my capabilities to an employer and believe that Global Banking School is the right place for me to display my potential both personally and professionally. I am motivated to get good grades and I am determined to go to university and succeed. I always wanted to go to university from a young age and I know by going to university I will have a wider range of opportunities to choose from.

Should you require any further information, please contact me on my telephone or email provided on my application. I would be more than happy to provide assist you and I look forward to hearing from you soon.  If references are required, I am happy to email them over.

Thank you,

Yours faithfully

Grzegore Banas

Written by

Md. Shadequr Rahaman

Email: [email protected]

Letter of Personal Statement

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