Personal Statement for Global Banking School

Education is very important for every individual to improve their personal, social and economic development. Without education, it is impossible to fulfill the necessity of the mind and become a good human being. With proper education, it is possible to change life and systems as well. I admire each and every person who has the interest to do something with their learning and bring changes in their surroundings. I am also a very enthusiastic and dedicated person to learning. So education is one of the prime ways to satisfy my thirst for knowledge and do something better for my people and society. In this article, we will discuss of Personal Statement for Global Banking School.

Personal Statement for Global Banking School

Personal Statement for Global Banking School

I am Latina, currently working in McDonald’s as their crew member. It was my long-cherished desire to pursue my higher study in abroad. I always dreamt of going to another country and learn about their culture and heritage and also learn from those countries’ best educational institution. For me, it is a dream come true opportunity and also a better way to improve my life and living standard for me and my family. For the excessive work pressure and coping up with the new country, I had to go through a study break and also I was gathering some experiences for better job opportunities. At that time, maintaining study and job was very tough at the same time.  I am a very dedicated and loyal person, so whatever I do, I try to perform it with proper mindset and concentration.

During my study break, I tried to gather as much experience possible and also find put interest of mine. In the working environment in McDonald’s, I have learned a lot about people and how each and every individual are different from each other. As McDonald’s is a restaurant chain business I have to work with different kinds of people and also communicate with so many of them as my customers. It gives me great pleasure to serve them and make my customers happy with my service. With time I realized I have a keen interest to work with people and please them in their life. So from that mindset, I thought of studying in health and social care.

Studying in health and social care will enable me with the opportunity of working for the people and with the people. I will be responsible to work for the betterment of people’s welfare and also can do better for society as well as the nation. It will help me to get better opportunities in the health care sector and work closely with the people related to such kind of work. I will be able to learn from them practically and will also get to know about the sector in more detail. I can get close to people who need help and support in their real life. By studying in health and social care I will be able to open my own health care center in the near future. I want to help adult people and kids and take care of them. I will also be able to work with the people I love to work with. By serving and helping the kids and adults I will get my utmost happiness and pleasure. They work will satisfy me in such a way in which I will not be able to find anywhere.

The opportunity of studying in the health and social care sector will enhance my skills and knowledge. It will provide more understanding about the industry and also make be capable of taking responsibility in the near future about the goal and career development. It will also improve my quality of work and use each and every practical and theoretical knowledge and learning into reality. I will not only be able to do better but also can improve my living standard and way of living.

I am a very friendly and helpful person in nature. So from a very young age, I always tried to do something for the people around me. I tried to help them whenever they needed me by their side. So from that mindset, it was always my first and foremost priority to do something which actually brings some changes in everyone’s life and smooth their life. I always wanted to be the reason for someone’s happiness. With such kind of feeling, I realized that health and social care will be the perfect match for me to do my higher studies. I will be able to learn and also use that knowledge to improve other’s life and situation. The subject itself is very interesting as it enables the student to know about their surroundings, people and society. In this subject, I will be able to learn about human and their psychology. How they think and what they want from their life. I will be able to consult those people. Personal communication and interacting with people was always my strength which will provide me more access and comfort to work with adults and kids. I will be the person who can do something better for the society. Overall health and social care module will be the perfect match to help me for reaching my goal and fulfill my targets in the long run.

When it comes to studying in health and social care in one of the best institutions, Global Banking School was always my first preference. It is one of the most well-known and reputed institutions to pursue a degree in health and social care modules. They are not only best for their course curriculum but also excellent to provide after completing the course in the job sectors. Each and every student dreamt to enroll themselves in this renowned institution and find better opportunities for them. I will also consider myself lucky if I get a chance to pursue my degree from here.

Moreover, studying abroad in a well-reputed institution was my first choice. If the institution will be the Global Banking School, nothing can make me happier than this. I will be grateful and blessed to have such an opportunity and make better changes with my abilities in the near future.

Written by

Md. Shadequr Rahaman

Email: [email protected]

Personal Statement for Global Banking School

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