Personal Statement for Health and Social Care

Education is nothing but it gives a chance to every person to live independently and gain freedom. It helps to live a person both financially and live their life on their own ability. To get succeed in my life and provide something very special to my family and society, education is the only requirement of my life. Here in this article we will critically analyze the personal statement for health and social care.

Personal Statement for Health and Social Care

Personal Statement for Health and Social Care

I have completed my second level of education in health and social care. Currently, I am working as a sales executive officer in renowned MNCs.  I always want to go abroad for my higher studies and eagerly want to know about life, culture, heritage, and ethics and so on of other countries. During my working period, I have gained job experience for better job opportunities.

At the time of my study break, I gathered so many experiences from my workplace and also tried to find out my interest. During my work, I had to communicate with different types of persons and had to fulfill their demand and I did it very professionally and pleased the customers very successfully. By doing this job I have felt my hidden interest to work with people and make them satisfied in their life. So, for this reason, I want to do my higher study on health and social care.

By studying health and social care, I will get the chance to work for the people as well as work with them. This course will help me to do something better for the nation and society, as it will teach me the way of handling people both mentally and physically.

The demand for higher education is increasing in all organizations in this global era. Studying abroad will enhance not only my subject knowledge but also help to teach me a new language, culture, ethics and so on. This will advance my skills, knowledge and working capabilities and make me better proficient to do a job than before. The opportunity of studying the health care sector will develop my skills and knowledge and gives me a large platform to deal with people. I got the subject is very interesting it helps to know the student about their environments, people and society. It also teaches on different human beings and their psychology.

Angila Raskin University is renowned for this course and their teaching method is excellent. This course is popular here because of its excellence in designing the course material and I just love their teaching method. They relate all their lecture with real-life examples and provide the students with both practical and theoretical knowledge. For this reason, the students who can take their degree from here feel fortunate. Like others, I will consider lucky if I would take my higher degree from this institution. To do study here obviously is a great opportunity for me as they provide continuous support to their students and create better opportunities for them.

Now I am very interested to start my higher studies on my favorite subject and eagerly waiting for your response.  Your positive response will make me pleased and grateful to you. I can assure you that I will utilize this opportunity at my level best and you will feel proud of your decision. I will try myself to do something better by this profession with the skills and knowledge which I will learn from here.

Written by

Md. Shadequr Rahaman

Email: [email protected]

Personal Statement for Health and Social Care

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