Personal Statement on Social Care

Educated individuals are the asset of a country. With proper education, a person can shine in their personal and social life. Education enables a person to become capable to differentiate between what is right or wrong and make better decisions eventually. So education and being educated is very important for each and every responsible person in society.

Personal Statement on Social Care

Personal Statement on Social Care

When I was a child I used to play with my friends as doctors and nurses. I always loved the way they care for sick people and help them to recovery. That feeling of childhood inspires me to study psychology and become someone how can support and help people to find peace. For higher study based on my previous academic curriculum, I choose to pursue health and social care abroad. I am very excited to continue my higher studies from a foreign country as it was one of my dreams. I also think that the foreign countries and their education quality will teach me something more advanced, innovative and better than my own country. I can learn better and also will be able to use the knowledge for the best of the people.

I had to take a study gap for my financial instability. I was not capable of supporting me and my family with finance. I had to work to earn and find a better job for me. So there was no other option without taking a study break. It was impossible for me to manage both at the same time as my financial condition. Now as I am settled and capable enough to support my study I really don’t want to miss the opportunity of taking the courses.

Now I am working as a sales assistant at KFC. Here I have a deal with customers, take their orders and serve their foods properly so they don’t miss anything. I have to interact with their customers for any of their inconvenience and handle them with care. All of my responsibilities in the job helped me to become a better and responsible person. It has also increased my patience and dedication to my works and the workplace. By interacting with different types of customers I have also improved my communication and negotiation skills. Overall, the job has improved my capabilities and teaches some more skills which I was not capable to perform earlier.

I think if I take health and social care courses now I will become a better health companion for the people. As it was my dream to become a health care assistant in the future and it made me motivated to work closely and get acquainted with people. I will get better job opportunities because of my skills and knowledge. The course will also help me to know about new things and from my current job, I can switch to the health care sector for working. The opportunity will also provide me with a better living standard for myself and my family. I will be able to start my own health care home in the future and also can teach more people about this sector. The health and social care sector is a very lucrative and attractive sector to work for the people and devoted to helping them. It will not only provide me better opportunities in my professional life but also increase my mental peace and satisfaction by helping people.

I have chosen the health and social care module for my higher studies because it deals with people and society. The module will guide me to enhance my knowledge about the health and social care sector. It will provide me the overall idea about the sector and also aware of the opportunity, challenges, and prospects of the sector. I will get to learn from industry experts and their experience while working in this sector. I will not only get theoretical knowledge to learn but also some practical situations to explore. The course will enable the path to reach the contacts to work in this sector and also provide me better references to knowledge and learning. Apart from that, I can practice my duties and responsibilities towards the society and the people around me as a responsible person of a country. So I am very keen to take the health and social care modules as my higher study program.

I will be very glad if I can start my health and social care study module in Global Banking School. The institution is one of the best to provide academic support along with professional support to their students. Global Banking School is my first choice to pursue my degree because of its attractive arrangement of the academic curriculum, accommodation facility, training facility, professional assistance, excellent faculties, and overall environment. I cannot think of any other institution better to teach me practical knowledge with theoretical linkage better than this institution. It will be the best place for me to pursue my degree from here and become part of the Global Banking School.

Moreover, it can be an opportunity that is able to change my life in a whole new direction in a better way. By getting the knowledge, learning, and skills in Health and Social Care I will become a competent person in this sector. There are very few people who want to pursue the course to work for the betterment of the society and help the people in their need. I dream to be one of those people and dedicate my learning for the sake of people. I want my surroundings to help all kinds of support from me and making positive changes in society. Global Banking School can be the best beginning for me to start such a great journey of my life. So I really want to start my pathway of passion with this institution and will be looking forward to getting positive feedback.

Thank You.

Written by

Md. Shadequr Rahaman

Email: [email protected]

Personal Statement on Social Care

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