Time Management Skills to Improve Academic Grades
To improve academic grades, student must have to develops responsibility, give priority on effective learning, increase efficiency, be punctual and disciplined in every prospect, and must have vision to compete with global student. So, all these can be achieved if student have better time knowledge and time management skills.
Body 1 – Time Management develops responsibility.
“Until we can manage time, we can develop nothing.” (Thompson, 2015) So, the aspect of developing responsibility is very important for every student from their student life because this period is the vital and essential time to develop responsibility by completing class assignment, class test and class examination.
My interpretation is that time management must develop responsibility as because student have to submit assignment before the deadline, and this fact is a great training for them when they are able to submit assignment in due time or not.
All these things lead to success in university when they are habituated with the time management by completing the assigned task with full responsibility on due time.
Body 2 – Time management leads to effective Learning.
“The greatest resource of learning is time.” (Cottrell, 2015) So, when the students are concerned about the time and time boundary, then he or she will try to manage time, and it is a learning for them to manage time with course activities for getting success.
My interpretation is that the possibility of effective learning will be increased among the students when they will manage time properly.
So, this criteria leads to success in university by the means of getting involved with daily scheduled task provided by class instructor and they are being habituated with it properly.
Body 3 – Time management results in efficiency gains.
“Time is the wisest counselor of all.” (Gardner & Barefoot, 2019) So, the aspect of efficiency gains is possible when student can utilize the time with right direction.
My interpretation is that counselor shows the path of direction, similarly time also shows the path of task direction with time boundary and it happens to increase efficiency when student can make the best use of success in productive work.
So, efficiency gains is a positive fact to get success in university by doing regular homework on time, attending class regularly and participating all the course curriculum within due time.
Body 4 – Time management leads to be punctual and disciplined.
“Time is more valuable in developing punctuality.” (Adams, 2019) So, the aspect of punctuality is that students are in touch with all strict rules and regulation of university that should be avoided and of course lead life in disciplinary ways.
My interpretation is that punctuality is great interpersonal skill and it will help student to be prepared for academic competition strongly to get high grade as he or she has covered full course curriculum in proper rules and regulation.
So, punctuality is must for every student for getting success by the means of utilizing the all useful resources of study on that time.
Body 5 – Time management prepares student for world competition.
“Time is the only capital for developing skill.” (S N A M Razal, 2017) So, the aspect of developing skill is important for facing world competition.
My interpretation is that student must have to compete with global world and global students and then they must have to have good time sense.
So, development of skill in student life is very much required and it is only possible when they can utilize time like capital in right ways for getting success.
So, time management and Time Management Skills can help student to be disciplined and punctual where the interpersonal skill will be developed for getting success in university for getting good grades.
Adams, R. V., 2019. Impact of Time Management Behaviors on Undergraduate Engineering Students’ Performance. SAGE Journals, 4(1), pp. 112-142.
Cottrell, S., 2015. Skills for Success – Personal Development and Employability. 3rd ed. s.l.:Red Globe Press.
Gardner, J. N. & Barefoot, B. O., 2019. Step by Step to College and Career Success. 8th ed. New York, United States: Bedford/Saint Martin’s.
S N A M Razal, M. S. R. W. S. G. a. N. A., 2017. The Impact of Time Management on Students’ Academic Achievement. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 12(4), pp. 28-29.
Thompson, N., 2015. People Skills. 4th ed. s.l.:Red Globe Press.
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Email: circlebiz96@gmail.com