
Management Research and Learning

Management Research and Learning is the course module of MN7183. The research proposal for this Management Research and Learning module is on “Factors contributing to preferences for expensive English Medium Schools over Free Government Schools in Nepal”.

1.0 Background and Rationale:

From the mid-1980s, more rapidly in the 1990s, the proliferation of private English medium schools started in Nepal. Though income-poverty is/was stark in Nepal, there has not been a lack of the students to fill in the classrooms of such expensive schools both in urban centres such as in the Capital city of Kathmandu or district headquarters outside, both hills and plains. The new English medium schools did not replace the government schools, but two parallel schools’ systems continued. …

Domestic Violence on Women

Domestic Violence on women and how it can be addressed


Domestic violence is an international issue that cuts beyond country borders and economic, social, ethnic, cultural, and political divides. This dilemma is geographically widespread, but it often occurs, rendering it a regular and recognized practice. Domestic violence on women is prevalent, firmly embedded, and has significant health and well-being consequences for women. It’s ethically unacceptable to keep it going. Peoples, healthcare institutions, and the community all pay a high price for it. No other significant public health issue, on the other hand, has been so extensively neglected and misunderstood. It harms female’s physical and emotional health, as well as their sexual and reproductive health. Injuries, gynecological issues, permanent or …

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