Job Solution

Study Skills for Higher Education

In modern times, people realize the importance of higher education or having a good degree from a reputed university. The number is increasing day by day gradually. The main reasons people interested to start their education in higher educational institutions because it is an opportunity to enhance people’s knowledge, enhance self-confidence, chance to meet new people, helps to achieve important skills that help to build a better career. A student must have the following Study Skills for Higher Education.

Study Skills for Higher Education

Study Skills for Higher Education

In this particular study, the researcher is going to discuss the importance of foundation year for the new University students, what type of challenges people face when they start their degree and how to study skills …

Employability Skills of Global Citizen

Self-development and responsibility help to increase employability skills because self-development is a process of learning from various kinds of working modules or working tests in which a person has to involve in solving so many practical problems. Similarly, self-responsibility is also a learning process that helps to increase work adaptability and create the habit of being responsible to finish a task from own responsibility.

Employability Skills of Global Citizen

Employability Skills of Global Citizen

Employability skill refers to the skill of an individual that could be played a vital role in job or employment sectors. The area of working with other people in a team, having good communication skills, being reliable and dependable in a team, and of course having the willingness to learn from …

Personal Development Process

Personal Development Process

Personal development is the process of development thyself, planned to achieve the target and evaluate the performance. Here, if the performance is not satisfactory than change thyself by taking training to developed thyself more to achieve the target. It covers all activities which improve awareness to identify and develop talents to build human resources and facilitate their employability and enhance the quality of life. Personal development can take place in any path of an entire life. Personal development concept involves a formal and informal way for developing thyself or developing others like a teacher, manager, mentor, etc. It is the methods, techniques which support human development at a personal level for the organization. (Allen, 2015)

Personal Areas

Tips for Interview

Tips for Interview

Here are a few Tips for Interview and suggestions on how to approach the interview process:

Tips for Interview

1. Research the company

It is good to become familiar with the organization, the position and the person who may be your boss. Try to match your skills and experience to the position you are seeking.

2. Look good

First impressions are lasting, so make it count. Projecting a confident and professional image is essential. Dress professionally, but don’t overdo it with jewelry or excessive perfume or cologne.

3. Know the location of the interview

Consider driving/ arriving at the location in advance. Rushing around trying to find the facility can …

Bank Interview Quesitions

To ensure better preparation for a bank interview you must go through the common bank interview questions. So that you can show your confidence while answering the questions.

Common Bank Interview Questions

Common Bank interview Questions

1) What is a bank? What are the types of banks?

A bank is a financial institution licensed as a receiver of cash deposits. There are two types of banks, commercial banks, and investment banks. In most countries, banks are regulated by the national government or central bank.

2) What is investment banking?

Investment banking manages portfolios of financial assets, commodity, and currency, fixed income, corporate finance, corporate advisory services for mergers and acquisitions, debt and equity writing, etc.

Letter of Personal Statement

Letter of Personal Statement

20th March 2020

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am applying to study a BSc in ‘Business and Enterprise with Foundation Year in Business’ at Global Banking School, London. I wish to apply for a position on your graduate program as advertised with the Careers Service on JobsLive advertised by Leeds Trinity University. I welcome the opportunity to bring my maturity, practical experience, and eagerness to progress shows I am committed and would love to start my degree am confident that I would be a beneficial addition to the education facility. I am excited about the course as I know it will get me to the place I have always dreamed of, as a Project manager in …

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