What makes a good Project Manager

What makes a good Project Manager


What makes a good project manager, to answer this statement it can be said that an extraordinary project manager/leader needs a blend of the accompanying key characteristics described below that are critical for any really viable project leader.

1.1 Phenomenal Communicator

Having the capacity to impart obviously and successfully while dealing with any undertaking or group is an expertise that is significant. Project manager/leaders must probably impact their dreams and understandable a task’s objective such that everybody can get a handle on for themselves, rapidly and easily. They should likewise be able to express their desires in an immediate manner and give customary, useful criticism to the group they are overseeing so as to direct them. At the point when a project manager/leader is unfit to exceed expectations around there and leaves the remainder of the group in a general mess and bewilderment, there is little any desire for any venture consistently achieving an effective end!

1.2 Respectable

From numerous points of view, the project manager/leader sets the standard for the remainder of the group to pursue and the best leaders are the individuals who others feel they can trust, because of the way that they reliably carry on in a moral and mindful way. Actions express more intense than words and consistency around there is essential.

(Sheininger, 2012) stated: “As I would see everything leaders make them thing in like manner—they do, rather than simply talk. The administration is about activity, not position.”

1.3Enthusiatic or Enthusiasm

A skeptical, negative leader is ensured to put any group on a sharp descending winding. Some portion of being an energetic project manager/leader incorporates being able to rouse your group. Ginger Levin offers this exhortation: “Don’t expect that what spurs you will rouse them. Constructive individuals normally draw others toward them and this inspiration and energy before long rubs off on others.

1.4 Issue Solver

In a perfect world, with productive arranging toward the beginner and an obviously characterized objective for everybody to move in the direction of, all ventures would work out only the manner in which they were expected to with zero hitches along the way. As we as a whole know in any case, life is basically not so clear and issues should hence be grasped and defeat so as to push ahead on a task without superfluous deferrals.

(Morphin, 2015)clarifies: “Gone are the days when a solitary project manager/leader or issue solver can, after cautious examination, unhesitatingly announce that the reason has been found.

At last, the project manager/leader should be clever and imaginative when looked with issues and spotlight on distinguishing the quickest and best approach to determine them. Now and again, that may mean uniting a few colleagues or even various groups.

1.5 The Delegator

It is the crucial piece of the project manager/leader’s job is the assignment of errands to the correct people. This includes becoming more acquainted with a group of individuals to the point where you completely perceive their own qualities and capacities and comprehend what they specialize in. With this learning readily available, you can assign the correct errands to the perfect people and accomplish the best outcomes possible. Being ready to hand over an undertaking to somebody and leave realizing that you can believe him to do it to the best of his capacity opens up a project manager/leader’s an ideal opportunity to concentrate on different zones requiring their consideration (Joseph, 2010).

2.0 The above qualities of the project leader need to adapt by the applying the following styles or skills

  • Collaborative administration styles

Drawing in the group and partners in critical thinking and basic leadership is basic for task achievement and an imperative ability for a powerful leader.

  • Adaptability Skills

Venture groups and individual tasks are constantly extraordinary. Effective venture supervisors can adjust and conquer the difficulties of new tasks present. A liquid task the board approach is a viable technique for overseeing venture based work (Nutcache, 2010).

  • Figure-it-out creativity skills

This ability is tied in with defeating impediments and asset issues in innovative and out-of-the case ways. There isn’t only one, single way to progress.

  • Adaptive correspondence

It is of fundamental significance that venture leader can adequately speak with partners, venture groups, and their companions. Venture leaders must most likely redo their correspondence style to the suitable gathering of people.

  • Flexibility skills

Regardless of how well a venture is arranged, there will dependably be a person or thing that tosses a wrench into the works. How you react to it can mean the contrast between progress and disappointment (Kiisel, 2010).

What makes a good Project Manager


So, the project manager of things to come will invest less energy behind the PC or checking on the Gantt outline and additional time with the venture group encouraging joint effort, making critical thinking discourse, and expelling venture obstacles. Overseeing procedure will dependably be an essential piece of overseeing ventures, yet driving individuals will be the aptitude each task chief should ace.

References (What makes a good Project Manager)

Joseph, 2010. Ways to be Projects Leader. [Online]

Kiisel, 2010. 5 traits for project management success. Project Management, pp. 18-56.

Morphin, 2015. What Qualities Make a Good Project Manager?. Project Management, pp. 01-25.

Nutcache, 2010. 10 Attributes of an Effective Project Manager. [Online]

Sheininger, 2012. Characteristics Of a Project Manager. Project Management, pp. 01-12.

Written by

Md. Shadequr Rahaman

Email: [email protected]


What makes a good Project Manager

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