Sample of Personal Statement of Adult Care

The University of Suffolk is one of the topmost renowned and well-known business schools in the United Kingdom. It is very popular among the students who want to pursue higher degrees from the business study sector. The university provides a great knowledge of practical learning based business-related courses which are very beneficial for the students of business studies. Here all the students can easily relate their personal learning from the institution with their professional skills and job sphere. Though I am a student from adult care courses I really appreciate the business courses that are designed for the students in the institution. I think it can give me the best result from the course and can also be useful for me in the long run.

A Sample of Personal Statement

Sample of Personal Statement

I am a student from adult care and I have done my diploma in this module. So now I want to pursue my higher degree in business courses for a better understanding of different job sectors and expanding my career path in broadway. Business studies are the top most demanding area for any of the students in the world. I am also fascinated with the increasing growth and opportunity in the business sector and want to expand my chance to pursue my future career in a better and well-established organization. All of my dreams to work for a better organization or start to pursue my own business will not be possible without the proper knowledge and learning about the business studies module.

Basically, I have diversified work experience in different sectors. In my work life, I have worked as a Cleaning Supervisor, Security Supervisor, and Site operative. All of the work experiences increased my skills, knowledge, and capabilities of different organizations and their works. Through the work experiences, I have understood that I need to get my higher degree in business studies for grabbing better opportunities and increase possibilities. Without a proper degree and knowledge, my experiences are not good enough to back me up in the organizations. So I am really looking forward to taking my degree in business studies.

I know that the business study module of The University of Suffolk will provide different knowledge about the different business sectors, markets, customers, related parties, etc. Additionally, I have already increased my skills and abilities in customer service, relationship management, tight schedules, and different work environments. All of the experiences will help me to learn and gather more basic and core knowledge from all the business-related courses. I will be able to enrich my personal and professional abilities with the degree.

So after the overall consideration of the competitive business world and modern era, I am very enthusiastic to pursue my higher degree in business studies from The University of Suffolk. I cannot wait to flourish my professional life with better knowledge, opportunities, and experiences in the future. I hope and believe that by accepting my request to study in this university, it is possible to fulfill my dream and let me lead a life that I always wanted to live.

Written by

Md. Shadequr Rahaman

Email: [email protected]

Sample of Personal Statement of Adult Care

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